§ 21.36.020. Permitted uses.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    The following uses are permitted in the neighborhood commercial zone provided the use occupies no more than ten thousand square feet of space and meets design review standards of Chapter 21.70 and, provided further, that neighborhood commercial zones within the designated McAllister Springs geologically sensitive area shall be limited to those uses the Thurston County health department determines are appropriate to the sensitive area:

    Antique store


    Banks and other financial services

    Bar and cocktail lounge*

    Barber shop

    Beauty salon

    Book store

    Business and professional offices

    Business support services


    Camera store

    Clothing store

    Coffee shop

    Community clubs

    Confection stores

    Convenience stores

    Cultural facilities

    Day care


    Drug store

    Dry cleaner

    Fabric and dry goods store


    Food and liquor store


    Gas station*

    Gift store

    Grocery and produce

    Hardware store and garden supply

    Health club, gym

    Instruction studio


    Meat and fish shops

    Medical and dental services

    Music and dance studios

    Neighborhood meeting hall and club facilities

    Nursery and garden supplies

    Personal services

    Pet store

    Photo shops

    Post office

    Radio, TV, music store

    Residential uses above commercial

    Restaurant except drive-through

    Shoe and shoe repair stores

    Small appliance and electronic equipment repair

    Soda fountain

    Specialty food

    Stationery store


    Telecommuting services

    Theater, under fifty seats

    Toy store

    Travel and other agencies

    Variety store


    Video rental

    * Special uses, subject to special use review and approval.


    Uses similar to uses listed above under subsection A may be approved by the department upon finding the use is consistent with the intent of this chapter and in the best interest of the surrounding neighborhood.


    Wireless communication facilities and other antenna support structures are permitted as provided in Chapter 20.33;


    Temporary uses are permitted as provided in Chapter 21.66.

(Ord. 13058 § 12, 2003; Ord. 12032 § 76, 1999; Ord. 11867 § 2 (part), 1998; Ord. 11274 § 1 (part), 1996)