§ 21.13.050. Lot area.  

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  • A.

    The size and shape of single-family detached lots shall be as follows, provided they adhere to the density requirements:


    Minimum lot area, four thousand five hundred square feet, where alleys are utilized; five thousand square feet where alleys are not provided;


    Minimum lot width, forty feet where alleys are utilized; fifty feet where alleys are not provided;


    Minimum front yard:


    Sixteen feet;


    In addition, setbacks are encouraged to be staggered as provided in Section 21.12.050(D) for the purpose of modulating the streetscape and providing more convenient opportunities for offsetting windows for privacy of individual homes and other desired design outcomes;


    Garages facing the street, twenty feet.


    On front yard flanking streets, ten feet;

    Unenclosed porches may project up to six feet into the front yard, provided the porches are at least forty-eight square feet in area with no dimension less than six feet.


    Minimum side yards:


    Minimum on one side, five feet;


    Alternative lot configurations may be approved provided they comply with all of the following:


    Other applicable standards in this chapter.


    The design results in a superior land division layout considering its functionality and character with particular consideration given to privacy for individual lots, pedestrian access and convenience, and the design of public and/or private open space opportunities and natural features.


    Minimum rear yard, twenty feet provided garages may be within three feet of the rear yard line, alley easement or paved surface when adjacent to an alley.


    Lots intended for attached single-family development shall be reviewed and approved through a subdivision, townhouse, or PRD process where the concept is identified and the project is reviewed and approved subject to design requirements of Section 21.70.080.


    Development of Lots Not on Sewer. Areas without sewer must be developed in a manner that maintains long term potential to achieve minimum required densities and efficient provision of sewer once sewer becomes available. Areas developing without sewer must meet the following requirements:


    The health department must review and approve plans for alternative sewage disposal.


    Lots must be clustered in a configuration that results in urban size lots with one large reserve lot for future development.


    Clustered lots must be between five thousand and ten thousand eight hundred ninety square feet.


    Excluding the reserve parcel, clustered lots must meet density requirements of Section 21.13.020.


    Subdivisions and short subdivisions must have a statement on the face of the plat or short plat that when sewer becomes available to the area clustered lots shall hook up to sewer at each lot owner's expense. Such requirement shall also be provided for in protective covenants.


    Other Lot Standards for All Uses:


    Minimum usable yard space:

    Where alleys are utilized, lots shall provide a contiguous yard space equivalent to ten percent of the lot size. Specific yard space requirements:

    Shall feature minimum dimensions of fifteen feet on all sides, provided one side may be reduced to ten feet by the department if it determines the space is designed with features that make it more inviting, private and usable. Design for reduction of the minimum dimension must include at least two of the following techniques:


    A pergola or other architectural feature with landscaping;


    An improved patio area with features for associated use such as sitting or barbeque;


    Other design features and improvements that add to the usability, privacy and desirability of the private space.

    As an example, a forty-five-hundred-square-foot lot would require a contiguous open space of at least four hundred fifty square feet, or approximately fifteen feet by thirty feet in area for a standard dimension, or ten feet by forty-five feet if the dimension is reduced and design features added.

    Such yard space shall not be located within the front yard.

    For duplexes and triplexes, each dwelling unit must have direct access to its own usable yard space. (See Tables 21T-75 and 21T-76.)


    Maximum building area coverage, fifty percent.


    Maximum development coverage, sixty-five percent. Side and rear yard patios are exempt from development coverage restrictions provided the paving material used is considered an approved pervious material in accordance with the Thurston County Drainage Design and Erosion Control Manual (TCC Chapter 15.05).


    Maximum height:


    Main building and accessory dwelling, thirty-five feet,


    Accessory building, twenty feet;


    An additional two feet in height may be permitted for structures with green roofs occupying at least fifty percent of the area of the roof.


    Accessory Buildings. All accessory buildings must comply with the current buildings setbacks as stated in this chapter; provided, however, if the accessory building is exempt from obtaining a building permit under Title 14 TCC, one-story, and is less than two hundred square feet, the following setbacks are permitted:


    Front yard, fifteen feet,


    Side yard, five feet,


    Rear yard, three feet.

    (Ord. 12290 § 13, 2000; Ord. 11274 § 1 (part), 1996)

(Ord. No. 14773, § 8(Att. G), 7-24-2012; Ord. No. 15390, § 1(Att. A, § E), 11-29-2016)