§ 21.10.050. Lot area.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    The size and shape of single-family detached lots shall be as follows, provided they adhere to the density requirements and are located on sewer:


    Minimum lot area: four thousand five hundred square feet where alleys are utilized; five thousand square feet where alleys are not provided;


    Minimum lot width: forty feet where alleys are utilized; fifty feet where alleys are not provided;


    Minimum front yard:


    Ten feet with a ten foot planter strip between the street and sidewalk and when alleys are provided for rear lot access,


    Twenty feet with standard planter strip and without alleys;


    On flanking streets, ten feet;


    Minimum side yards:


    Minimum on one side, five feet;


    Minimum total both sides, ten feet provided a zero lot line concept may be approved if the following standards are met:


    The site is part of a subdivision or PRD where a zero lot line concept has been approved and the site has, as part of the approval process, undergone design review.


    The site utilizes alleys with the majority of units using alleys for access;


    Minimum rear yard, fifteen feet provided garages may be within three feet of the rear yard line or easement when adjacent to an alley.


    Lots intended for attached single-family development or condominiums shall be served by sewer and reviewed and approved through a subdivision, townhouse, or PRD process where the concept is identified and reviewed and approved subject to design requirements of Chapter 21.70.


    Other lot standards for all uses on sewer:


    Maximum building area coverage, sixty percent;


    Maximum development coverage, seventy-five percent;


    Maximum height:


    Main building and accessory dwelling, thirty-five feet,


    Accessory building, twenty feet;


    Accessory Buildings. All accessory buildings must comply with the building setbacks as stated in this chapter; provided, however, if the accessory building is less than one hundred twenty square feet, the following setbacks are permitted:


    Front yard, same as required for main structures,


    Side yard: five feet,


    Rear yard, three feet.


    The size and shape and restrictions for lots not on sewer shall be as follows:


    The lots shall be clustered and located in a configuration that will provide the opportunity for future redivision and for easier servicing of sewer once sewer is provided to the site;


    When subdividing land in the MGSA, the applicant must demonstrate that the proposed subdivisions of property and siting of buildings allow further subdivision to comply with the district's minimum densities for sewered sites;


    Minimum lot area five thousand square feet;


    Maximum density is one unit per five acres;


    The size of lots may require a community drainfield. The community system must meet all Thurston County health department requirements and should be designed and installed in a way to provide the opportunity for easier conversion in the event sewer becomes available to the site at a later date;


    Subdivisions and short subdivisions shall be approved with a condition stated both on the face of the plat or short plat and in protective covenants that once sewer becomes available to any exterior boundary of the plat or short plat, sewer shall be required to be installed to serve all lots at lot owners' cost. This condition may be accomplished by waiver of LID protest performed in conjunction with final plat approval, lot sales, or issuance of building permits, whichever the county determines is most effective;


    Lots not on sewer mustalso meet the setback requirements of subsections (A)(3), (4) and (5), and the building coverage and height standards prescribed in subsection C of this section.

(Ord. 12290 § 9, 2000; Ord. 11274 § 1 (part), 1996)