§ 20.60.015. Application types and classification.  

Latest version.
  • Applications for zoning actions, as listed in Table 2, shall be subject to a Type I, Type II, Type III or Type IV review process.


    A Type I process involves an application that is subject to clear, objective and nondiscretionary standards or standards that require the exercise of professional judgment about technical issues, and that is exempt from State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) review.


    A Type II process involves an application that is subject to objective and subjective standards which require the exercise of limited discretion about nontechnical issues and about which there may be a limited public interest.


    A Type III process involves an application that is subject to standards which require the exercise of substantial discretion and about which there may be a broad public interest.


    A Type IV process involves the creation, implementation or amendment of land use policies or regulations. It also includes site-specific rezones for which a corresponding Comprehensive Plan amendment is required.

    (Ord. 11398 § 3 (part), 1997)

(Ord. No. 15020, § 7(Att. E), 5-20-2014)