§ 20.54.065. Applications for essential public facilities.  

Latest version.
  • Applications for uses which qualify as essential public facilities are subject to the following requirements:


    In order to enable the director to determine the appropriate classification for the use, at least ninety days before submitting an application, the prospective applicant shall identify the approximate geographic area within which the proposed use could potentially have adverse impacts, such as increased traffic, public safety risks, noise, glare, emissions, or other environmental impacts. Classifications are as follows:


    Type 1—Multi-County Facilities. These are major facilities serving or potentially affecting more than one county. These facilities include, but are not limited to, regional transportation facilities, such as regional airports, state correction facilities, and state educational facilities.


    Type 2. These are local or inter-local facilities serving or potentially affecting residents or property in more than one jurisdiction. They could include, but are not limited to, county jails, county landfills, community colleges, secure community transition facilities, sewage treatment facilities, communication towers, and inpatient facilities (e.g., substance abuse facilities, mental health facilities, and group homes). Note: Such facilities which would not have impacts beyond the jurisdiction in which they are proposed to be located would be Type 3 facilities.


    Type 3. These are facilities serving or potentially affecting only the jurisdiction in which they are proposed to be located.


    Type 1 Facilities. The following requirements apply to those essential public facilities identified as Type 1 facilities by the director:


    At least ninety days before submitting a special use permit application, the prospective applicant shall notify the affected public and jurisdictions of the general type and nature of the proposal, identify sites under consideration for accommodating the proposed facility, and identify opportunities to comment to the county on the proposal.


    Applications for specific projects shall not be considered complete in the absence of proof of a published notice regarding the proposed project in a newspaper of general circulation in the affected area. This notice shall include the information described above and shall be published at least ninety days prior to the submission of the application.


    The applicant shall include with the application an analysis of the alternative sites considered for the proposed facility. This analysis shall include the following:


    An evaluation of the site's capability to meet basic siting criteria for the proposed facility, such as size, physical characteristics, access, and availability of necessary utilities and support services;


    An explanation of the need for the proposed facility in the proposed location;


    The site's relationship to the service area and the distribution of other similar public facilities within the service area or jurisdiction, whichever is larger;


    A general description of the relative environmental, traffic, and social impacts associated with locating the proposed facility at the alternative sites which meet the applicant's basic siting criteria. The applicant shall also identify proposed mitigation measures to alleviate or minimize significant potential impacts; and


    The application shall also briefly describe the process used to identify and evaluate the alternative sites.


    The requirements of subsections (2)(a), (b) and (c) above do not apply to the expansion of existing facilities where the gross floor area of the facility (excluding accessory buildings), as of the effective date of this provision, is increased by less than twenty-five percent. For land-based facilities, such as regional airports, the requirements of subsections (2)(a), (b) and (c) above do not apply to the expansion of existing facilities where the facility capacity (excluding accessory buildings) or gross land area, as of the effective date of this provision, is increased by less than twenty-five percent.


    Type 2 Facilities. The following requirements apply to those essential public facilities identified as Type 2 facilities by the director:


    At least ninety days before submitting a special use permit application for a Type 2 essential public facility, the prospective applicant shall notify the affected public and jurisdictions of the general type and nature of the proposal, identify sites under consideration for accommodating the proposed facility, and identify opportunities to comment to the county on the proposal.


    Applications for specific projects shall not be considered complete in the absence of proof of a published notice regarding the proposed project in a newspaper of general circulation in the affected area. This notice shall include the information described above and shall be published at least ninety days prior to the submission of the application.


    The requirements of subsections (3)(a) and (b) above do not apply to the expansion of existing facilities where the gross floor area of the facility (excluding accessory buildings), as of the effective date of this provision, is increased by less than sixty percent. For land-based facilities, such as landfills, the requirements of subsections (3)(a) and (b) above do not apply to the expansion of existing facilities where the facility capacity (excluding accessory buildings) or gross land area, as of the effective date of this provision, is increased by less than sixty percent.


    Type 3 Facilities. Those essential public facilities identified as Type 3 essential public facilities by the director are subject to the standard notification requirements for special uses.


    Additional Special Use Standards. Table 1 includes a list of special uses, some of which may also qualify as essential public facilities. Where a special use also qualifies as an essential public facility, the requirements of both Sections 20.54.065 and 20.54.070 apply.

    (Ord. 12807 §§ 2 and 4, 2002; Ord. 12463 § 19, 2001; Ord. 11867 §§ 1 (part), 14, 1998; Ord. 11804 § 109, 1998; Ord. 11398 § 3 (part), 1997: Ord. 11237 § 5, 1996; Ord. 11220 § 12, 1996; Ord. 10893 § 8, 1995)

    (Ord. No. 14773, § 10(Att. I), 7-24-2012)

    Table 1

    Special Uses—Distribution in County Zoning Districts

    Uses listed below are prohibited unless specifically identified as allowable through special use review, or unless listed as a permitted or primary use within an individual zoning district chapter.

    USE R 1/ 20 R 1/ 10 R R R 1/ 5 R R 1/ 5 U R 1/ 5 R L 1/ 2 R L 1/ 1 R L 2 /1 R 3 — 6 /1 R 4 — 16 /1 L I R R I P I N C R C C A C H C S L M G S A L T A N A L T F P P M R A O D
    1. Academic schools* X X X X X X X X X X X
    1.5. Agritourism (see 20.08G TCC) X
    2. Airfields and landing strips* A/ X A/ X A/ X A/ X A/ X
    3. Animal/bone black, rendering, bone distillations X
    3.1 Asphalt production (outside of a gravel mine)** X X X X
    3.1 Asphalt production (with a gravel mine) X X X X X X
    3.5 Athletic facilities X X X X X X X X X X
    4. Boat launch X X X X X X X X X X X X
    5. Camp or recreation ground X X X X
    6. Cemeteries X X X X X X X
    7. Churches X X X X X X X X X X X
    8. Community center/community club X X X X X X X X X X X
    9.3 Composting facilities X X X X X X X X X
    9.5 Country inns X X X X X X
    10. Day-care center X X X X X X X X X X X
    11. Drive-in theaters X
    11.4 Family day care provider A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A
    11.5 Farm housing (five or more units) X X X X X
    11.7 Farm stands (retail) A/ X A/ X A/ X A/ X A/ X A/ X A/ X A/ X A/ X A/ X A/ X A/ X A/ X A/ X
    12. Feed lots X X X X X X
    12.2 Forest management activities X X X
    12.5 Garages X
    13. Golf facilities X X X X X X X X X
    14. Greenhouses—retail X X X X X X X X X X X
    14.5 Greenhouses—wholesale A A X X
    15. Home-based industry X X X X X X X X X X X
    16. Home occupations A A A A A A A A A A A A A A
    17. Hospitals X X X X
    17.5 Jails* X X X X X X
    18. Junk yards X X X X X X
    18.5 Juvenile detention facilities* X X X X X
    19. Kennels—11 + dogs X X X X X X X
    20. Major energy trans./generators* X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
    21. Mineral extraction X X X X X X X X X X X
    21.3 Mobile or manufactured home parks (two—four mobile/manufactured homes per lot) A A A A A A A A
    21.6 Mobile or manufactured home parks (five or more mobile/manufactured homes) X X X X X X X X
    22. Neighborhood convenience commercial X X X X X X X
    23. Nonprofit handicapped workshop X X X X X X X X X X
    23.5 Nonresidential use in rural area (expansion) X X X X X X
    24. Nursing/convalescent home* X X X X X X X X X
    25. Off-site treatment and storage facility* X X
    25.5 Parks, trails and preserves (public) X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
    26. Petroleum products/processing storage X
    27. Plastics, paints, commercial, chemical—manufacture X
    27.5 Prison/prerelease* X X X X X
    29. Public facilities (not schools)* X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
    30. Public utilities* X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
    32. Railroad rights-of-way* X X X X X X X X X X X X X
    32.5 Recycling processing centers X X X X X
    33. RV/boat storage—com. X X X X X X X
    34. Residential care facilities* X X X X X X X X
    34.3 Resorts and retreat facilities X
    35. Riding stables/arenas/academies X X X X X X
    36. Rifle/pistol/archery ranges X X X X X X X
    37. Sawmills, lumber/planing mills, molding plants X X
    38. Sawmills—large X
    39. Sawmills—temporary on-site X X X X X X X X
    39.5 Secure Community Transition Facilities* X X X X X X X X X X X
    40. Slaughterhouses X
    41. Solid waste disposal facilities* X X X X X X X X X
    41.5 Temporary uses A/ X A/ X A/ X A/ X A/ X A/ X A/ X A/ X A/ X A/ X A/ X A/ X A/ X A/ X A/ X A/ X A/ X A/ X A/ X
    42. Travel trailer parks/commercial campgrounds X X X X X
    43. Veterinary clinics X X X X X X X X
    44.3 Wireless communication facilities (WCFs)—attached or co-located A/ X A/ X A/ X A/ X A/ X A/ X A/ X A/ X A/ X A/ X A/ X A/ X A/ X A/ X A/ X A/ X A/ X A/ X A/ X
    44.4 WCFs/antenna support structures-remote freestanding* A/ X A/ X
    44.6 (WCFs)/antenna support structures-freestanding* X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
    45. Work release* X X X X


    X = Special use permit (approval authority is hearing examiner)

    A = Administrative special use permit (approval authority is staff)

    1 = Summit Lake overlay zone, Chapter 20.30

    2 = Except as prohibited or limited in Chapter 20.23

    3 = Applies to uses related to public parks, trails and preserves and not otherwise permitted in Chapter 20.08E

    * May qualify as an essential public facility; refer to TCC 20.54.065

    ** = Asphalt batch plants are allowed in these zones only when they have an Asphalt Plant special use permit.

    (Ord. 13884 § 13, 2007: Ord. 13834 § 14, 2007: Ord 13235 § 15, 2004: Ord. 13058 § 47, 2003)

(Ord. No. 14141, 11-10-2008; Ord. No. 14678, § 5, 11-15-2011; Ord. No. 14725, § 3(Att. C), 3-13-2012; Ord. No. 14773, § 10(Att. I), 7-24-2012; Ord. No. 14782, § 2(Att. A), 8-14-2012)