§ 20.54.040. General standards.  

Latest version.
  • In addition to the specific standards set forth hereinafter with regard to particular special uses, all uses authorized as special uses shall meet the following standards:


    Plans, Regulations, Laws. The proposed use at the specified location shall comply with the Thurston County Comprehensive Plan and all applicable federal, state, regional, and Thurston County laws or plans.


    Underlying Zoning District. The proposed use shall comply with the general purposes and intent of the applicable zoning district regulations and subarea plans. Open space, lot, setback and bulk requirements shall be no less than that specified for the zoning district in which the proposed use is located unless specifically provided otherwise in this chapter.


    Location. No application for a special use shall be approved unless a specific finding is made that the proposed special use is appropriate in the location for which it is proposed. This finding shall be based on the following criteria:


    Impact. The proposed use shall not result in substantial or undue adverse effects on adjacent property, neighborhood character, natural environment, traffic conditions, parking, public property or facilities, or other matters affecting the public health, safety and welfare. However, if the proposed use is a public facility or utility deemed to be of overriding public benefit, and if measures are taken and conditions imposed to mitigate adverse effects to the extent reasonably possible, the permit may be granted even though the adverse effects may occur.


    Services. The use will be adequately served by and will not impose an undue burden on any of the improvements, facilities, utilities, or services existing or planned to serve the area.


    Time Limits.


    Expiration of Approval. If a building permit has not been issued, or if construction activity or operation has not commenced within three years from the date of final approval, the special use permit shall expire. The special use permit shall also expire when the use or activity for which the permit was granted is vacated for a period of three years.


    Upon the application of the owner or representative, the approval authority may grant a one year extension. In no case shall the approval authority grant an extension for more than one year at a time. If an extension of time is approved, the special use permit will be subject to all new and amended regulations, requirements, policies or standards which are adopted after the original date of approval.


    Knowledge of the expiration date and initiation of a request for extension approval time is the responsibility of the applicant. The county is not responsible for providing notification prior to expiration. All requests for an extension of time must be submitted to the department prior to expiration of the special use permit.


    Time Limit and Re-Review. Where the approval authority is the hearing examiner, there may be a condition to provide time limits for the use. If it is determined after review that the special use no longer meets the conditions set by the hearing examiner at the time of the initial approval, the use may be terminated, or such standards added as will achieve compliance with the original hearing examiner conditions.


    Signs. In addition to the requirements of Chapter 20.40, the following provisions apply to uses approved by this chapter:


    For home occupations and home-based industries, there shall be no more than one sign, not to exceed six square feet in area, and except for home occupations, may be attached to the structure housing the special use or may be freestanding. Freestanding signs shall not exceed forty-two inches in height measured from the ground to the top of the sign. Signs shall be unlit and shall use nonflashing, nonreflective materials. Colors shall be nongarish and consistent with residential character.


    For home occupations, the sign shall be attached to the home or the structure housing the home occupation. Where the building is not visible from the nearest public road serving the property, one freestanding sign complying with the foregoing specifications may also be placed near the road.


    For other uses consisting of a single business or use on a site in residential zoning district, there shall be no more than one two-faced sign not to exceed thirty-two square feet per side; or alternatively, two signs attached to the building below the roof line, or placed close to the building, with a combined square footage not to exceed thirty-two square feet.


    Multi-business sites shall be governed by Chapter 20.40.

(Ord. 12463 § 18, 2001; Ord. 11804 § 101, 1998; Ord. 11398 § 3 (part), 1997: Ord. 8216 § 108 (part), 1985)