§ 20.45.070. Landscaping within parking areas.

Latest version.
  • 1.

    Landscaping shall be provided within parking facilities that exceed five thousand square feet; and for the addition of ten or more spaces to an existing parking lot. Parking area landscaping is required in addition to any perimeter landscaping required by this section.




    An area equal to at least ten percent of the parking area shall be landscaped. Parking area includes all parking stalls, aisles, and entryways.


    Parking area landscaping shall be constructed to retain, infiltrate, and cleanse stormwater generated from the parking lot area, wherever feasible.


    Interior landscaping strips or islands shall be a minimum width of eight feet in all directions. If interior landscaping includes trees, this minimum width requirement may be increased by the reviewing authority to allow sufficient space for tree survival. The minimum width requirement may be reduced by the reviewing authority if the design allows for sufficient stormwater infiltration.


    Landscape areas shall be distributed evenly throughout the parking area; however, clustering of landscaping is permitted to accommodate preservation of existing vegetation or specific design objectives.


    Planting areas shall be fully protected by curbs, wheel stops, or other appropriate means to prevent damage to plants from pedestrian or vehicular traffic, except that curbs shall be designed with regular cuts to allow water drainage. Vehicle overhang up to two feet into landscape areas is permitted.


    Design of landscaped areas shall consider pedestrian access to the site.




    The amount of required landscape area may be reduced by up to twenty percent if design of the site emphasizes retention of native vegetation or continuity between landscaped areas, open space, critical areas, and other undisturbed areas for the purpose of wildlife habitat or stormwater management.


    The amount of required landscape area may be reduced by up to twenty-five percent if the parking area is surfaced with a minimum of five percent pervious surfaces, in accordance with the Drainage Design and Erosion Control Manual, TCC 15.05.

(Ord. No. 15355, 1(Att. A, § ZZ), 10-18-2016)