§ 20.45.040. Commercial uses.  

Latest version.
  • 1.

    Commercial uses must have a minimum five-foot landscaped buffer strip along all public rights-of-way or adjacent to a residential district or use. Some visibility into parking lots from public rights-of-way is desirable for public safety.


    Buffers adjacent to public rights-of-way shall be any combination of trees, live groundcovers, shrubs, earthen berms, and other landscape features; provided that the resultant effect is to provide partial screening and to soften the appearance of parking lots and structures. The size and spacing of plant material and landscape features shall be selected and maintained so that the entire landscape area is covered within three years.


    Such screening and landscaping shall be interrupted by normal entrances and exits.


    Buffer strips adjacent to residential districts or uses shall contain any combination of trees, live ground covers, shrubs, earthen berms, and other landscape features which will provide a year round sight-obscuring screen within three years. An aesthetically pleasing high solid fence may be substituted for the vegetative screen. See Section 20.45.060 regarding incompatible uses.


    There shall be no signs hung or attached to a vegetative screen.

    (Ord. 12032 § 17, 1999: Ord. 11398 § 3 (part), 1997: Ord. 11025 § 26, 1995: Ord. 6708 § 3 (part), 1980)

(Ord. No. 14439, § 8, 11-16-2010)