§ 20.45.020. General requirements.  

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  • 1.

    Landscape plans. A plan of the proposed landscaping and screening shall be provided, which may be incorporated into plans submitted for preliminary plat, site plan review or building permit review.

    Landscape plans shall be prepared by a licensed Landscape Architect, certified Professional Horticulturist, or certified Sustainable Landscape Professional, except that for land divisions of four or fewer lots, plans may be prepared by the applicant. Landscape plans are subject to approval by the reviewing authority.

    Landscape plans shall be drawn to scale, including dimensions and distances, and clearly delineate:


    The location, size, species, and number of plants to be planted;


    The existing and proposed parking spaces, or other vehicular use area, access aisles, and driveways;


    A narrative description and timeline detailing the site preparation, installation, and maintenance measures necessary for the long-term survival and health of the plants.


    To the extent practical, internal landscaped areas shall be lower in elevation than the surrounding impervious surfaces and shall serve as aesthetic amenities and as conveyance and/or detention systems for storm drainage. Landscaping around the perimeter may be a combination of swales and berms and to the extent that the objectives of screening of parking areas and the provisions of stormwater conveyance and detention are compatible, both functions shall be served.


    Tree and Vegetation retention. Retention and salvage of existing native vegetation and trees is preferred over removal and replacement of vegetation, and shall meet the following standards:


    Retained trees shall be windfirm and shall not constitute a safety hazard.


    To be identified for credit, retained trees must be a minimum six inch diameter at breast height.


    Areas designed for retention of trees shall be protected by temporary fencing prior to the initiation of any clearing and grading. Such fencing shall follow the standards in TCC 24.25.070.


    Permitted plant types. The applicant shall utilize plant materials which are non-invasive, but adapted to local climatic conditions, including drought conditions. The following resources may be used to identify appropriate plants:


    Native and/or appropriate drought-tolerant plant choices identified by a professional horticulturalist, subject to approval by the reviewing authority;


    The WSU Extension native and waterwise plant lists;


    United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) plant database for plants that occur in Thurston County; or


    Materials developed and/or provided by the department with an advisory listing of trees and other plants recommended for new plantings. Such a list shall describe their general characteristics and suitability, and provide guidelines for their inclusion within required landscape areas.


    Ground cover shall be planted and spaced to result in coverage of eighty percent of the landscaped area within three years, unless mulched areas between plants will allow for superior function of landscaped area or stormwater facility.




    The property owner shall maintain all required landscaping for the life of the project.


    All landscape areas shall be kept free of trash.


    Plants lost due to lifecycle or disease shall be replaced within one hundred eighty days, between October 1 and March 31, unless area is irrigated.


    Landscape areas functioning as stormwater facilities shall be maintained in accordance with the Drainage Design and Erosion Control Manual, TCC 15.05.010.


    The county shall require a maintenance assurance device for a period of one year from the completion of planting in order to ensure compliance with the requirements of this chapter. The value of the maintenance assurance must equal to at least twenty percent of the replacement cost of the landscape materials, and shall be utilized by the county to perform any necessary maintenance, and to reimburse the county for documented administrative costs associated with action on the device.


    The county may accept, as an alternative to a maintenance assurance device, a contractual agreement or bond between the owner or developer and a licensed landscape contractor registered in Washington State, along with a rider or endorsement specifically identifying the county as a party to the agreement for purposes of enforcement.


    Within the Grand Mound urban growth area, the most current version of the Grand Mound Development Guidelines are adopted and incorporated in this chapter by reference as fully set forth in this chapter.

    (Ord. 11653 § 8, 1998: Ord. 11398 § 3 (part), 1997: Ord. 9859 § 15, 1991: Ord. 6708 § 3 (part), 1980)

(Ord. No. 15355, 1(Att. A, § XX), 10-18-2016)