§ 20.44.070. Bicycle parking requirements.

Latest version.
  • All commercial, industrial, institutional, and recreational uses which require twenty-five or more parking spaces, pursuant to this Section shall provide a designated bicycle parking area to accommodate a minimum of five bicycle spaces. Such bicycle parking areas shall provide a secure facility (e.g., rack, posts) to which to lock bicycles and shall be located so as to be reasonably convenient to the onsite use and not interfere with pedestrian and automobile traffic. Bicycle racks shall be covered in such a manner as to protect the entire bicycle from rain and installed to provide adequate maneuvering space and ensure that the requisite bicycle parking spaces remain accessible. Prior to issuing permits for facilities requiring one hundred or more parking spaces pursuant to this Section and/or uses with high expected bicycle traffic (e.g., schools) the approval authority may require reasonable additional bicycle parking capacity over and above the minimum five spaces.

(Ord. No. 15355, 1(Att. A, § VV), 10-18-2016)