§ 20.40.038. Directional signs.  

Latest version.
  • The following directional signs may be erected within county rights-of-way subject to the requirements of this section and written authorization from the director of public works or his/her designee:


    Permitted Directional Signs.


    Permanent noncommercial signs directing people to publicly owned facilities or sites, hospitals, historic sites, or noncommercial uses;


    Signs directing motorists to gas stations, food, lodging, or privately owned recreation areas. To be eligible for such signage, the facility or site must meet the state's requirements for erecting a motorist information sign along a federal interstate or primary highway. Eligibility, however, will not require compliance with state requirements related to supplemental directional signage.


    Administrative Requirements and Standards.


    Applicants for a directional sign shall submit a completed application on a form provided by the public works department and pay the fee specified on the department's fee schedule.


    Successful applicants shall supply the public works department with the approved directional sign(s).


    The public works director shall determine the location of directional signs, subject to the provisions of this section. Wherever practical, directional signs shall be grouped in a coordinated display. The director may limit the number of directional signs placed on any section of right-of-way to maintain public safety and the visibility of traffic control signage.


    Approved directional signs shall be installed and maintained by the public works department. The owner shall be responsible for the cost to replace or repair signs or support structures that are damaged or defaced following installation, or that are badly deteriorated. If the county does not receive payment for such repair or replacement within thirty days of notification, it will dispose of the sign.


    Directional signs for seasonal businesses or facilities shall be covered, removed or posted with closed sign during the off-season by the public works department or the sign owner, at the direction of the department.


    Directional signs shall be removed by the county if the nature of the destination, facility, or business no longer complies with subsection (1)(a) or (b) of this section. The county may also remove directional signs if the public works director determines, due to changed circumstances, that they jeopardize public safety. If such signs are not claimed by the owner within thirty days of notification, they will be disposed of by the county.




    Directional signs and their location shall comply with all applicable laws, including Chapter 47.42 RCW, Sections 131 and 315 of Title 23, United States Code, and rules adopted by the State Department of Transportation, including the "Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways," all as amended.


    Directional signs shall, to the extent that the sign's size permits, be of the same design, color, and format as the corresponding state motorist information sign.


    Directional signs shall only identify the facility or site and its distance and direction from the sign. No other advertising or message is permitted.


    Directional signs shall not exceed five square feet in size and shall not be illuminated.

    (Ord. 11398 § 3 (part), 1997: Ord. 10089 § 4, 1992)

(Ord. No. 14773, § 10(Att. I), 7-24-2012; Ord. No. 15637 , § 1(Att. A, § IV), 6-26-2018)