§ 20.39.030. Procedure for review and approval.  

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  • 1.

    General. The review and approval of a planned community shall consist of three steps:


    Conceptual approval of the planned community through joint plan or subarea plan and zoning map amendment, with the zoning map amendment not effective until approval of the master plan for the site;


    Adoption of the master plan for the site; and


    Approval of site plans, subdivisions or planned residential developments as may be appropriate.


    Conceptual Approval.


    Purpose. The purpose of conceptual approval is to establish general land use policies to guide detailed planning for and development of the planned community. The conceptual plan shall identify the generalized land uses and services proposed for the site. Prior to site development, a master plan shall be approved consistent with the policies and conditions of conceptual approval.


    Review. Conceptual approval shall consist of an amendment to the applicable subarea plan if required, or joint plan, and an amendment to the official zoning map by the board of Thurston County commissioners upon recommendation by the planning commission. For applications received after January 1, 1983, notice of hearings on conceptual approval will be provided to all property owners within one thousand feet of the subject site. The zoning map amendment shall be in conformance with the applicable subarea plan, and shall be limited by the conditions in subsections (2)(c) and (d) below.


    Effect of Conceptual Approval. Upon conceptual approval, the planned community boundaries, proposed use districts and case file number shall be identified upon the official zoning map. These districts shall only be effective upon approval of a master plan meeting the requirements of conceptual approval and of this title.


    Development Prior to Master Plan Approval. Unless specifically authorized at the time of conceptual approval, no development permit may be issued prior to Master Plan approval except for (i) recreational facilities, including golf courses; (ii) transportation facilities; (iii) public utilities; and (iv) public facilities, including schools. Pre-existing uses shall be regulated as specified in Chapter 20.56 (Nonconforming Uses, Structures and Lots), except that enlargements of nonconforming uses must be found also to be consistent with preparation of a master plan based upon conceptual approval.


    Master Plan.


    Purpose. The master plan shall consist of map(s) and text which indicate major development features and services for the entire site, including a schedule indicating phasing of development and the means of financing services for the site.


    Review. A complete master plan for the entire planned community shall be submitted within three years of conceptual approval unless an extension has been granted pursuant to Section 20.39.060. The master plan shall be reviewed by the hearing examiner pursuant to Section 20.60.020(3) and Chapter 2.06 (hearing examiner) of the Thurston County Code, except that instead of the hearing examiner rendering a final decision, he or she shall submit a recommendation to the board of county commissioners.

    The board of county commissioners shall not approve a master plan unless the board has conducted a public hearing pursuant to RCW 36.70.590 and it is determined that such plan is consistent with the conceptual approval and complies with the development policies of the Comprehensive Plan and the applicable subarea plan, the purposes of Section 20.39.010, and the provisions of this chapter. The board of county commissioners may establish terms and conditions of approval, and require the provision, and further public review, of additional information and analyses in order to insure such compliance.

    In addition, the board of county commissioners may make changes in the proposed master plan or the proposed zoning on the basis of information presented in the course of master plan review, as long as the changes are consistent with the conceptual approval and other applicable county plans and policies. Other changes to the proposed master plan or zoning may be made only if conceptual approval or other plans or policies are first amended accordingly.


    Specific Development Proposals.


    Review. Site plans, subdivisions, planned residential developments and other specific development actions, when consistent with the provisions of the master plan and conceptual approval, may be approved by the hearing examiner. These actions may be taken concurrent with or subsequent to approval of the master plan and may accompany development of the site in phases. Review of such actions shall be subject to the laws and regulations which would be applicable to such an action regardless of its inclusion within a planned community.

(Ord. 11398 § 3 (part), 1997: Ord. 10893 § 4, 1995; Ord. 7488 § 1 (part), 1983: Ord. 7418(a) § 1 (part), 1982)