§ 20.39.010. Purpose.  

Latest version.
  • The purpose of the planned community process is to protect and improve the public health, safety and welfare by pursuing the following objectives:


    To ensure that future growth and development which occurs as the result of a planned community is in accord with the comprehensive plan and the planning policies of the county;


    To provide for large-scale projects that incorporate a full range of land uses, including major employment centers, with supporting housing, commercial services, and other facilities and services for the employees and residents of the project;


    To encourage innovations and creativity for the safe, efficient and economic use of land;


    To ensure and facilitate the provision of adequate public services such as transportation, water, sewage, storm drainage, electricity and open space;


    To encourage patterns of land use which decrease trip length of automobile travel and encourage trip consolidation, increased public access to mass transit, bicycle routes and other alternative modes of transportation;


    To improve the design, quality and character of new development so as to reduce energy consumption and demand, and to minimize adverse environmental impacts including degradation of wildlife habitat and important natural features in the area;


    To foster and ensure a rational pattern of relationship between residential, business and industrial uses so as to complement and minimize impacts on existing neighborhoods;


    To ensure coordination of commercial and industrial building designs which will be harmonious and blending with each other and the natural environment.

(Ord. 11398 § 3 (part), 1997: Ord. 7488 § 1 (part), 1983: Ord. 7418(a) § 1 (part), 1982)