§ 20.38.030. Development standards.

Latest version.
  • A.

    Conflicts. In instances where the development standards of this chapter conflict with other county zoning requirements, the requirements within this chapter shall prevail.


    Density. The density of the underlying zone governs unless a density increase is granted as provided in this chapter. Other density bonuses found in the underlying zone shall not apply to cottage developments.


    Density Increases. Cottage housing developments may exceed the density of the underlining zone by fifty percent when the development is in compliance with all standards of this chapter and if all dwellings are constructed in accordance with a green building certificate program such as LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design), Passive House, and Four Star Built Green.


    Cottage Clusters. Developments shall contain a minimum of two and a maximum of twelve dwellings located in a cluster to encourage a sense of community among the residents. A development site may contain more than one cluster.


    Cottage Floor Area. The maximum allowed gross floor area is one thousand two hundred square feet per dwelling. The total square footage shall include the main floor and second floor. The building footprint per cottage dwelling shall not exceed one thousand square feet. Floor area does not include covered porches or garages. The maximum allowed gross square footage of the garage shall be limited to two hundred twenty-five square feet.


    Accessory Detached Structures Floor Area. The maximum allowed gross floor area is two hundred twenty-five square feet. Accessory structures shall include detached garages, carports, and storage buildings located on the individual cottage lot. This does not include common parking garages or carports.


    Platting. A cottage development may be completed through a land division.


    Covenants, conditions and restrictions (CC&Rs) shall be submitted at the same time and in the same manner as required of any land division. In addition, CC&Rs for cottage developments shall address ownership and maintenance responsibilities, including but not limited to the following: the common open space areas, common drainage facilities, parking areas, and private roads. They shall also reflect the regulatory requirements regarding the minimum spacing requirements between structures (both primary and accessory) in effect at the time of final approval of the land division. The CC&R's shall also reflect the building design standards within the cottage development.


    Design. Where there are conflicts between zoning standards, the standards herein shall apply. Cottage housing developments are subject to the following design review requirements:


    Variety in Building Design. A variety of building elements and treatments of cottages and accessory structures must be incorporated. Variety in building design may include any of the following: change in materials or texture, windows, façade, colors, or other architectural feature as shown in the code design standards of Chapter 21.70. No blank walls are allowed.


    Five-foot-wide pedestrian pathways (sidewalks) must be included to provide for movement of residents and guests from parking areas to homes and other amenities.


    Open Space. Cottage developments shall provide "common open space" and "private open space." These two types of open space shall count towards the ten percent open space required of land divisions in Title 18. All open space areas shall be landscaped.


    Common Space. The minimum common space required is three hundred square feet per dwelling. The common open space shall be configured so that, at a minimum:


    The common open space abuts at least fifty percent of the cottages in a cottage housing development.


    Cottage clusters must abut at least two sides of the common open space.


    Cottages that are oriented around the open space must provide an entry facing the common open space.


    Cottages should be within sixty feet walking distance of the common open space as measured along accessible pathways as specified in subsection (F)(2).


    Area required to meet minimum private open space, setback, and parking requirements may not be used in the calculations for common open space.


    Common open space shall be accessible to all cottage residents in the applicable cluster and maintained by the development's homeowners association.


    Common open space shall be usable (i.e. not within a critical area or critical area buffer per the Thurston County Critical Areas Ordinance).


    Private Open Space. The minimum private open space required is two hundred square feet per dwelling. The private open space shall be adjacent to each dwelling unit and be for the exclusive use of the unit. The private space shall be:


    Usable (i.e. not within a critical area or critical area buffer per the Thurston County Critical Areas Ordinance).


    Oriented toward the common open space as much as possible.


    No less than eight feet in dimension on any side.


    Front yard porch area may be included as private open space area.


    Facades and Porches.


    Cottages facing the common open space or common pathway must feature a roofed porch at least eighty square feet in size with a minimum dimension of eight feet on any side.


    Cottages abutting a street shall provide a covered entry feature with a minimum dimension of six feet by six feet facing the street. This is in addition to the porch requirement, where the cottage is adjacent to a common open space or pathway.


    Maximum Height for Cottages.


    The maximum height for cottages is twenty-five feet.


    The maximum height for all accessory structures is eighteen feet.




    Front Yard. The minimum front yard setback shall be ten feet.


    Rear Yard. The minimum rear yard setback shall be five feet.


    Side Yard. The minimum side yard setback shall be five feet.


    Minimum Distance Separating Structures. The minimum required distance separating structures (including accessory structures) is ten feet.


    Parking Requirements.


    The minimum required number of parking spaces is one and one-half spaces per dwelling.


    Parking shall be located on the same property as the cottage development.


    Parking and vehicular areas shall be screened from public streets and adjacent residential uses by landscaping or architectural screens.


    Parking is prohibited in the front yard setback area.


    Garages or carports may be attached to individual cottages provided all other design standards have been met. Such garages or carports (either attached or detached) shall be located away from common open spaces.


    If covered parking is provided, such structures shall be designed consistent with the cottage architecture. This includes similar building materials, rooflines, and detailing.


    Parking between structures is only allowed when it is located toward the rear of the principal structure and is served by an alley or private driveway.


    Impervious surface for common parking lots shall be broken into sub-lots of no more than ten parking spaces. These rows may be garages or carports and shall be separated by landscape islands a minimum of twelve feet in width. These islands shall be landscaped in accordance with a low-impact development design in accordance with the adopted Drainage Design and Erosion Control Manual.


    Pervious surface parking lots are not required to utilize landscape islands.


    Parking lots of more than two spaces, visible from a public right-of-way (not including alleys) or adjacent single-family uses or zones, shall be screened by landscaping and/or architectural features.


    Utility Elements. Utility meters and heating/cooling/ventilation equipment shall be located/designed to minimize visual impacts from the street and common areas.


    Low Impact Development. Cottage developments shall utilize low impact development techniques to accommodate and treat stormwater as on-site conditions allow, as determined by the director. Examples include the use of pervious pavement for walkways, patios, and vehicle access areas, directing runoff from roofs and other impervious areas to landscaped beds, green or living roofs, and the use of rain barrels.


    Existing Nonconforming Structures.


    On a lot to be used for a cottage housing development, an existing detached single-family residential structure, which may be nonconforming with respect to the standards of this chapter, shall be permitted to remain, provided the house and any accessory structures shall never be enlarged and the development meets the standards herein. The existing dwelling shall be included in determining the allowable density for the site.




    The cottage housing development shall be designed with goal of retaining significant trees which will not create a safety hazard.


    All required landscaping shall be in compliance with TCC 21.80.

(Ord. No. 14769, § 2, 7-17-2012)