§ 20.37.130. Duration of approval.  

Latest version.
  • 1.

    Approval of the site plan shall be effective for two years from the date of original approval by the approval authority. During this time, the terms and conditions upon which approval was given will not be changed, except as provided in Section 20.37.070 (Amendment of site plan). If a building permit has not been issued or if construction activity or operation has not commenced within the two-year period, the site plan approval shall automatically expire. Additionally, if the approved site plan calls for a division of land pursuant to a binding site plan, such binding site plan must be recorded within such two-year period.


    Upon the application of the owner or representative, the approval authority may grant a one year extension. In no case shall the approval authority grant an extension for more than one year at a time. If an extension of time is approved, the site plan will be subject to all new and amended regulations, requirements, policies or standards which are adopted after the original date of approval.


    Knowledge of expiration date and initiation of a request for extension of approval time is the responsibility of the applicant. The county shall not be responsible for providing notification prior to expiration. All requests for an extension of time must be submitted to the department prior to expiration of site plan approval.

(Ord. 11804 § 95, 1998: Ord. 11398 § 3 (part), 1997: Ord. 6708 § 3 (part), 1980)