§ 20.33.100. Design standards for ground mounted equipment structures.  

Latest version.
  • 1.

    Maximum Height. Ground mounted equipment structures shall not exceed ten feet in height.


    Location, Design, and Color.


    Ground mounted equipment cabinets/structures that would be visible from adjacent residential properties or public rights-of-way shall be partially buried, to the extent the seasonal high ground water level permits, of the smallest size possible and of a color, nonreflective material, texture, and architectural design so as to camouflage, conceal, or otherwise make the structure compatible with the setting and any immediately adjacent structure, as determined by the approval authority.


    Equipment cabinets/shelters associated with WCFs/antenna support structures in rights-of-way or camouflaged WCFs/antenna support structures shall be buried or located, to the extent possible, to take advantage of the screening afforded by existing structures and vegetation. Ground mounted equipment cabinets/shelters shall be located outside of rights-of-way unless the approval authority determines that the proposed facilities, including associated screening, will not impede existing and planned road, bicycle, pedestrian, and utility facilities nor obstruct motorists' view of the travel lanes (also see TCC Section 20.07.070, Use Limitations on Corner Lots).

    The portion of the equipment structure/fencing that would be visible from adjacent rights-of-way or parcels occupied or zoned and developable for residential or commercial use shall be screened with evergreen shrubs and/or trees, and/or berms (also see Section 20.33.080(7)). This vegetation shall be of a type, size, and spacing so that within three years of planting (along with any berm or other landscaping feature) it forms a continuous screen as tall as the equipment structure and any associated fencing.


    Equipment cabinets/structures must meet all building setbacks, screening and other standards of the underlying zoning district, except where they conflict with specific requirements of this chapter.

(Ord. 13058 § 2 (part), 2003)