§ 20.33.050. Application requirements.  

Latest version.
  • 1.

    Requirements for All Applications. In addition to the requirements in Section 20.60.030, the following information shall be submitted as part of the application for all WCFs and other antenna support structures subject to this chapter.


    If the applicant is not the landowner, the landowner(s) shall be considered co-applicant(s) and shall sign the application. If any applicant is a corporation, trust, association, or other organized group or legal entity, it shall provide the date of such creation, and, if a foreign corporation, a copy of the certificate of authority filed with the state of Washington, Secretary of State's Office.


    An affidavit signed by the applicant, landowner (co-applicant), and the antenna support structure owners, if different, indicating that:


    They agree to dismantle and remove the WCF/antenna support structure and restore the site to its approximate original condition within one hundred and eighty days following receipt of a letter from the county indicting that the facility is deemed abandoned or in violation of this chapter, consistent with Section 20.33.110; and,


    In the case of freestanding WCFs/antenna support structures, they consent to co-location, at reasonable terms, of as many antennas and related equipment as feasible, including those of other communication providers, on the applicant's structure/site.


    Except for a co-location proposal, evidence justifying the need for a WCF/antenna support structure in the proposed location, consistent with Section 20.33.080, and at the proposed height. This shall include, at minimum, a detailed description of the methodology used to reach the height and locational decisions.

    The applicant shall submit for each WCF/antenna support structure that they own or operate within two miles of the proposed site the exact location, ground elevation, and height of the antenna support structure and antennas. The applicant shall also submit a radiated signal propagation coverage plot for each of these existing facilities. The county may require additional information as necessary for a third party reviewer to verify the need for the proposed facilities, as provided for in Section 20.33.060.


    Documentation that the WCF/facility, including any back-up power generators, will not cause noise or pollution exceeding the limits established by state law.


    If the applicant is also the WCF provider, proof that the applicant is licensed by the FCC, or not required to be licensed.


    If the applicant is not the WCF provider, proof of lease agreements with a FCC licensed WCF provider if such provider is required to be licensed by the FCC.


    Except for a co-location proposal, documentation, certified by a qualified engineer licensed in the state of Washington, indicating that there are no co-location possibilities as an alternative to installation of the proposed WCF/antenna support structure, consistent with Section 20.33.070.


    The applicant shall submit for the proposed facility a radiated signal propagation coverage plot, power density calculations expressed as micro-watts per square centimeter and other technical documentation, signed by a radio frequency engineer licensed in the state of Washington, as necessary to demonstrate the proposed facility's compliance with FCC guidelines/standards for radiofrequency electromagnetic field strength. The county may require additional information as necessary for a third party reviewer to determine compliance with the provisions of this chapter, as provided for in Section 20.33.060.


    Documentation that the antennas and support structure are safe and the surrounding areas will not be negatively affected by antenna/support structure failure, falling ice, or other debris.


    The proposed color(s) of the facility including antennas and exposed conduit.


    In addition to the information requested on the application, the applicant shall submit the legal name, address or principal place of business, and phone number of the following:


    The person to be contacted in the event an emergency involves the WCF/antenna support structure. (This person should be available on a twenty-four-hour basis and authorized to act on behalf of the applicant regarding an emergency situation. The applicant shall be responsible for keeping such information current); and


    The contact person for each WCF/communication provider that proposes installation of facilities at the site.


    Additional Requirements for Freestanding WCFs, Remote Freestanding WCFs, and Other Freestanding Antenna Support Structures. The following additional information shall be submitted for freestanding WCFs, remote freestanding WCFs, and other freestanding antenna support structures.


    The measured distance between the proposed WCF/antenna support structure and the nearest residentially zoned property and the nearest property with an existing residence or, in the case of WCFs or other antenna support structures proposed to be located in rights-of-way, the location of structures occupied at least three days a week and building sites for such structures (measured to the minimum setback line specified in the applicable zoning district) within the distance equal to one hundred and ten percent of the proposed WCF/antenna support structure's height, including antennas.


    A statement signed by the applicant stating that the WCF/antenna support structure will comply with all Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) regulations and documentation indicating whether the FAA will require attachment of a light/signal to the proposed antenna support structure.


    A statement signed by the applicant documenting that the WCF/antenna support structure will accommodate the co-location of at least two additional antennas/antenna arrays for future users, or an explanation of why such design is not feasible for technical or physical reasons (e.g., additional antennas may be inappropriate on a camouflaged WFC). This requirement does not apply to utility poles.


    A copy of a certified letter sent to all other licensed wireless communication providers serving the county indicating opportunities to co-locate and all responses to the letter.


    Documentation that adequate public safety measures will be provided, including anti-climbing devices.


    A statement indicating compliance with or exemption from the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and all documents filed under NEPA.


    If the site proposed to accommodate the proposed WCF/antenna support structure is not forested, documentation showing that forested sites within one mile of the proposed site, that would afford screening of the antenna support structure from rights-of-way and adjacent properties, are not available or technically feasible.


    Additional Requirements for Freestanding WCF/Antenna Support Structures. For freestanding WCFs/antenna support structures, the following additional studies/information shall be submitted:


    Balloon testing shall be performed and photographs shall be submitted as follows:


    A three-foot diameter, brightly colored balloon shall be flown by the applicant at the proposed antenna support structure's maximum height and proposed location. The balloon shall be flown for at least eight consecutive daylight hours between seven a.m. and seven p.m.


    Fourteen days in advance of the balloon test, the applicant shall provide notice of the test to property owners within the notice radius required for the permit and the public as specified in TCC 20.60.020(3) and inform the department of the test in writing. The notice shall include the test date, an alternate date in case of poor visibility or strong winds on the initial date, the time period when the test will be conducted, and the location.


    The applicant shall submit photographs of the balloon and site taken from the following perspectives: at the property line, at approximately one-half mile from the proposed antenna support structure site, and approximately one mile from the site; all beginning at approximately true north and continuing clock-wise at approximately forty-five degree intervals. The department may waive this requirement where access is not possible, where there are no residences or public roads at the specified vantage points, and for sites approved for clusters of antenna support structures, provided that the proposed antenna support structure does not exceed the height of existing antenna support structures by more than fifteen feet.


    Computer simulations may be submitted to supplement, but not replace, the photographs required above.


    If applicable, the method and color of required fencing and the method of camouflage and illumination.

    (Ord. 13058 § 2 (part), 2003)

(Ord. No. 14773, § 10(Att. I), 7-24-2012)