§ 20.33.010. Purpose.  

Latest version.
  • The purposes of this chapter are to:


    Manage the location of WCFs, radio, television and automated meter reading antenna support structures, antennas, and equipment structures in the county by providing standards for their placement, design, construction, modification, and removal;


    Accommodate WCFs, and radio, television and automated meter reading facilities operating consistent with Federal Communication Commission (FCC) guidance and meeting the standards of this chapter to serve the routine and emergency communications needs of county residents;


    Protect residential, historic and other land uses, neighborhood character, aesthetic quality, property values, and the quality of life from potential adverse impacts of WCFs and other antenna support structures through careful siting, design, screening and camouflaging techniques, and by encouraging clustering of WCFs and other antenna support structures in remote and industrial areas;


    Minimize the total number of antenna support structures by requiring, to the extent feasible, co-location of new facilities on freestanding and remote freestanding WCFs and other antenna support structures;


    Protect public health and safety consistent with federal, state, and local regulations; and


    Avoid potential damage to adjacent properties through sound engineering practices and the proper siting of WCFs and other antenna support structures.

(Ord. 13058 § 2 (part), 2003)