§ 20.32.030. Dedication criteria.  

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  • 1.

    The required minimum open space dedication shall not include lands reserved for street rights-of-way, tidelands or lands covered by buildings, structures or impervious materials, except as would be permitted pursuant to Section 20.32.040. This title does not require the installation of recreational facilities. Land proposed for open space dedication shall meet the following additional criteria:




    The area proposed for dedication may be within or outside the subject development, but if outside the subdivision must be within reasonable walking distance (e.g., one-quarter mile) to dwelling units in the development.


    At least fifty percent of designated open space shall be contiguous. Where practical, the proposed dedicated property shall be located adjacent to other established or planned park, open space, critical area buffers, or recreational areas in adjacent parcels or developments, schools, or public parks; provided, that such dedication would increase the overall benefit to the residents of the subject development and conform to other criteria in this section.


    Open space should be designated to minimize conflicts with existing and planned utilities and road rights-of-way.


    Open space should be designated in an area downslope from proposed development to the maximum extent feasible.




    All residences within the subject development must have legal access to the proposed area for dedication at the time of site plan approval. Private or access roads, trees or other landscaping may separate the area proposed for dedication. However, access should not be blocked by major obstacles such as arterials or collectors.


    Areas dedicated for active recreational open space shall have reasonable access from street frontage. Design measures should accomplish the purposes of access and security.


    Open Space Uses. At least thirty percent of land dedicated for open space shall be maintained in a natural condition. The remaining designated open space may be used for any of the following permitted uses, as allowed by the underlying zoning district:


    Greenbelts that serve as a buffer between land uses, using existing vegetation, or an aesthetic amenity such as boulevard trees;


    Active or passive recreational activities;


    Protection of critical areas and their required buffers or other environmentally sensitive areas;


    Agriculture, including forest practices;


    Landscaping requirements as specified in TCC 20.45 (Landscaping and Screening);


    Stormwater facilities in accordance with TCC 15.05 (Thurston County Drainage Design and Erosion Control Manual);


    Tree tracts in compliance with TCC 17.25 (Forest Lands Conversion).




    This subsection applies to development located wholly or in part in the following county zoning classifications: RL 2/1, R 3-6/1, R 4-16/1.


    Except as provided in subsection (2)(b)(iii) or (iv) below, thirty percent of the dedicated open space area shall be suitable for active recreation. The topography, soils, hydrology, and other physical characteristics of the area proposed for active recreation shall be of such quality as to provide a dry obstacle-free space in a configuration which is suitable for active recreation.


    The percentage of active recreational areas may be increased to as high as fifty percent if it is determined that anticipated recreational needs will require a larger percentage. In increasing this percentage, the following standard should be used: the ratio of one acre of active recreational open space to one hundred twenty-five residential lots.


    The percentage of active recreational area may be decreased to as low as zero if it is determined that: (A) inclusion of buffers or environmentally sensitive lands such as wetlands would better meet the open space needs of the residents of the subdivision; or (B) meeting the standard would require substantial grading or other disturbance of the natural setting.


    Proposed open space areas which do not meet the size or other criteria of this section may be considered under Section 20.32.060, Equivalent facilities.

    (Ord. 11398 § 3 (part), 1997: Ord. 8034 § 17 (part), 1985)

(Ord. No. 15355, 1(Att. A, § NN), 10-18-2016)