§ 20.31.030. Mobile/manufactured home parks—Performance regulations.  

Latest version.
  • In granting special use permits for mobile/manufactured home parks, the following regulations shall apply, except as specifically modified by the hearing examiner:


    Evidence of Water and Sewer Facilities. The developer shall present evidence to indicate the following:


    That the proposed development will meet the water and sewage disposal requirements of the Thurston County Sanitary Code;


    That the proposed mobile/manufactured home park will be served by a fire protection system meeting the requirements of the Thurston County fire marshal. Such system may be combined with the domestic water supply system required above.


    Flood Hazard. Mobile/manufactured home park sites shall not be approved if the site is located within a designated fifty-year or one-hundred-year floodplain.


    Circulation System.


    All interior mobile/manufactured home park roads shall be private roads.


    All interior mobile/manufactured home park roads shall be constructed within a right-of-way which shall extend at least two feet beyond the paved surface but which shall, in no case, be less than thirty feet in width.


    Park roads shall have widths and surfacing as follows:


    Park roads shall have a minimum paved width of twenty feet. One-way roads shall have a minimum twelve-foot travel lane and an eight-foot parking lane. Two-way roads shall have a minimum of two ten-foot travel lanes and may have eight-foot parking lane(s).


    Park roads shall have surfacing depths as proposed by a licensed engineer and approved by the public works director.


    Cul-de-sac turnarounds shall have a minimum pavement width of twenty feet and a minimum diameter of seventy feet, exclusive of any parking lanes or areas.


    Points of ingress and egress with county rights-of-way shall be in accordance with the public works department's standards.


    Bulk Requirements.


    Setbacks. All mobile/manufactured homes, together with their additions and appurtenant structures, accessory structures and other structures on the site (excluding fences), shall observe the following setbacks (excluding any hitch or towing fixture) which supersede the standards of the underlying district:


    Park roads: fifteen feet from centerline of right-of-way, but in no case less than five feet from the paved surfaced edge;


    Exterior site boundary, not abutting an off-site public right-of-way: ten feet from property line;


    Exterior site boundary, abutting an off-site public or private right-of-way: fifty feet from centerline of right-of-way, sixty feet on arterial;


    Exterior site boundary, abutting an off-site public or private right-of-way sixty feet or more in width: one-half right-of-way plus twenty feet measured from centerline.


    Structure Separations. A minimum ten-foot separation shall be maintained between all mobile/manufactured homes, together with their habitable additions and accessory structures, and other mobile/manufactured homes.


    Parking Requirements.


    Two off-street parking spaces, located adjacent to each respective mobile/manufactured home pad, shall be provided for each unit and shall be surfaced.


    Off-street guest parking shall be provided at the ratio of one parking space for each four mobile/manufactured home pads and shall be provided by separate parking areas. Clubhouse and community building parking facilities may account for up to fifty percent of this requirement.


    All off-street parking spaces shall have a minimum dimension of ten by twenty feet.


    Open Space. All mobile/manufactured home parks shall allocate a minimum of ten percent of the site area for open space when:


    The land to be developed equals ten acres or more and is located wholly or in part in the following county zoning classifications: RL 2/1, R 3-6/1 and R 4-16/1;


    Such allocation shall conform to the standards of Chapter 20.32, except that dedication to a property owners' association or other private entity is not required.


    Landscaping and Screening. Adjacent to public rights-of-way and perimeter property lines, a site-obscuring landscaped area or six-foot high solid fence shall be provided.


    Lighting. Adequate lighting shall be provided to illuminate streets, driveways and walkways for the safe movement of pedestrians and vehicles.


    Utilities. All water, sewer, electrical and communication service lines shall be underground and shall be approved by the agency or jurisdiction providing the service.


    Storm Drainage. Sites shall be constructed in compliance with the storm drainage provisions of this title, Chapter 15.05 TCC, and other applicable ordinances.


    Minimum lot sizes:


    Single wide: two thousand four hundred square feet;


    Double wide: three thousand six hundred square feet;


    Triple wide: four thousand eight hundred square feet.

    (Ord. 13834 § 11, 2007; Ord. 11804 § 84, 1998: Ord. 11398 § 3 (part), 1997: Ord. 11025 § 22, 1995; Ord. 10610 § 4, 1994: Ord. 10595 § 50, 1994; Ord. 9859 § 11, 1991: Ord. 6708 § 3 (part), 1980)

(Ord. No. 14773, § 10(Att. I), 7-24-2012)