§ 20.30C.040. Summit Lake overlay zone standards.

Latest version.
  • Garages are permitted to be constructed on Summit Lake upland lots within the Summit Lake overlay zone subject to the following standards:


    The garage cannot be accommodated on the shoreline lot.


    The upland lot must be owned by a person who also owns a shoreline lot identified on the map entitled "Summit Lake Overlay Zone," and must have a residence on the identified shoreline lot.


    In the case of a single-family residence, the garage shall be a single structure, one story in height and no greater than one thousand eight hundred square feet in size. In the case of a multifamily residence, it shall also be a single structure, one story in height and limited to five hundred square feet per multifamily unit.


    Uses within the garages shall be limited to those uses normally allowed in a single-family garage, as determined by the approval authority, with the following uses expressly prohibited:


    Separate living unit;


    Family member unit;


    Home occupation; and


    Home based industry.


    All garages constructed on upland lots which lie directly across the road from the shoreline lot in common ownership or within one upland lot on either side shall meet the setback standards of the underlying zone. An illustration of the location of this upland lot is provided in Figure 20.30C-1.


    Garages constructed on any other upland lot not meeting subsection 20.30C.040(E) above, shall:


    Be permitted through a special use permit pursuant to Chapter 20.54 TCC; and


    Be consistent with the following standards:


    Meet the setback standards of the underlying zone;


    Provide buffers of native vegetation (either existing or replanted) of thirty feet along the front property line and twenty feet along the side property line, with this buffer to be located on the upland lot and not within the right-of-way; and


    Be compatible in design, color, shape, landscaping and size to surrounding upland garages or residences within one-fourth mile.


    A covenant shall be recorded with the titles of both the shoreline lot and the upland lot, prohibiting the sale of either lot separately. This covenant shall be in a form determined and approved by the director. This covenant will be released by the department when:


    The upland garage is demolished; or


    The upland garage site has a contract to be sold for a new residence and a building permit is part of the transaction; or


    The upland garage site is sold to another Summit Lake shoreline lot owner subject to the following standards and a new covenant is filed for those properties:


    Those upland lots described in TCC 20.30C.040(E) above, may only be sold to a property owner for whom it would also meet those standards (See Figure 20.30C-2); and


    Those upland lots described in TCC 20.30C.040(F) above, may be sold to any other Summit Lake shoreline lot owner.



(Ord. No. 14773, § 6(Att. E), 7-24-2012)