§ 20.30B.040. Removal of designation status.  

Latest version.
  • 1.

    The property owner may file an application for removal of designated mineral resource lands with the department. The application shall be reviewed by the board of county commissioners which may grant the application if one or more of the following conditions exist:


    The mineral resource is depleted to a point that it is no longer economically feasible to continue mining on the site.


    Market conditions have changed to such a degree that it is no longer economically feasible to continue mining on the site.


    Conditions in the surrounding area have changed to such a degree that the site no longer meets the criteria for designation in Section 20.30B.030.


    Removal of designation by the board of county commissioners will be processed as a comprehensive plan amendment during the next available amendment cycle. No fee will be charged to the applicant for designation removal.

(Ord. No. 14402, § 6, 9-7-2010)