§ 20.09B.050. Lot size and design standards.  

Latest version.
  • All divisions of land, construction of structures, and other development in this district shall comply with the following standards:


    Subdivision Alternatives. Land within this district may only be divided as follows:


    Large lot subdivisions, or


    Subdivisions or short subdivisions in conformance with Chapter 20.30A, Planned Rural Residential Development.


    Minimum Lot Size. Minimum lot sizes in this district are as follows:


    Large lot—twenty acres, or 1/32 of a section;


    Planned Rural Residential Developments—none, subject to applicable standards for provision of water and sewage disposal contained in Articles III and IV of the Thurston County Sanitary Code, and the standards of Chapter 20.30A, Planned Rural Residential Development; and


    Special uses for which a minimum lot size is not established by Chapter 20.54—Five acres, with the exception of fire district facilities which may be located on lots of less than five-acres.


    Maximum Building Coverage. Building coverage for fire district facilities shall be specified through the special use permit process and/or SEPA environmental review process as applicable.


    Maximum Building Height. Building heights in this district shall not exceed thirty-five feet, except for structures exempted from this height requirement pursuant to Section 20.07.080.


    Minimum Yard and Setback Requirements. See Chapter 20.07.030.


    Maximum Coverage by Hard Surfaces. Maximum hard surface coverage for new development in this district is as follows (also see Chapter 20.07):


    Lots two and one-half acres or greater: Ten percent for the first five acres; five percent for remaining area.


    Lots less than two and one-half acres: Sixty percent or ten thousand square feet, whichever is less.

    (Ord. 13884 § 5 (part), 2007)

(Ord. No. 14377, § 2, 7-6-2010; Ord. No. 15204, § 2, 10-27-2015; Ord. No. 15355, 1(Att. A, § T), 10-18-2016)