§ 20.08G.020. General standards.  

Latest version.
  • General standards for all agritourism uses within the AOD shall be as follows:


    AOD uses shall incorporate a rural theme in terms of building style and design. This means that new agritourism uses involving new structures shall complement or enhance, rather than detract from the rural environment.


    New AOD uses shall be located, designed and operated so as not to interfere with normal agricultural practices on and off site. Non-agricultural uses should be limited to lands with poor agricultural soils or lands otherwise not suitable for agricultural purposes.


    Impervious surface limits, signage and parking standards are the same as the underlying zoning district for agritourism related uses.


    AOD activities shall comply with all applicable county health, resource stewardship and public works department requirements and standards.


    Safe vehicular access and customer parking shall be provided on site, such that vehicles are not required to back onto public roads. Structures and parking shall be located outside of public rights-of-way. Also refer to parking and loading standards, Title 20, Chapter 20.44.


    Any exterior lighting installed related to an agritourism use or activity shall be appropriately shielded and directed generally downwards to minimize traffic safety impacts and light pollution.


    Agritourism events allowed pursuant to this section shall not involve motorized off-road vehicle (ORV) racing or similar motor vehicle activities unless otherwise allowed by this title. All activities generating noise detectible off-site shall observe Title 10, Chapter 10.36, Public Disturbance Noise.


    Permitted nonagricultural accessory uses and activities located on land with an agricultural use, or land zoned long-term agriculture (LTA), Nisqually agricultural district (NA) or long-term forestry (LTF) shall be consistent with the size, scale, and intensity of the existing agricultural or resource use of the property and the existing buildings on the site. Nonagricultural accessory uses and activities, including new buildings, parking, or supportive uses, shall not be located outside the general area already developed for buildings, parking and residential uses and shall not otherwise convert more than one acre of agricultural or resource land to nonagricultural or non-resource uses.


    Parcel size standards. Unless otherwise specified, the minimum parcel size for new agritourism uses within the AOD is ten acres. Exceptions to the ten-acre minimum parcel size may be considered through a variance process in accordance with Chapter 20.52 TCC.


    Maximum structure size. The maximum size for structures related to an agritourism use within the AOD is twenty thousand square feet, except as otherwise stated by this chapter. Existing buildings may be used for agritourism uses regardless of size.

(Ord. No. 14725, § 2(Att. B), 3-13-2012)