§ 20.08D.040. Design standards.  

Latest version.
  • 1.

    Maximum Building Height: thirty-five feet;


    Minimum Yard Requirements.


    Single-Family Residential.


    Front yard—varies, see Chapter 20.07;


    Side yard—fifteen feet;


    Rear yard—twenty-five feet;

    Note: Residences are encouraged to be located at least one hundred fifty feet from any property line abutting or within this district to better ensure land use compatibility between residential uses and adjacent long-term forestry operations; however, such setback is not required.


    Single-family residential on lots created in accordance with the planned rural residential development chapter: See Chapter 20.30A,


    All other structures: See Chapters 20.07 and 20.54;


    Where parcels of contiguous ownership total less than six hundred forty acres as of the effective date of this chapter, the parcels may be developed in accordance with the following development standards:


    Maximum residential density of one unit per twenty acres,


    All subdivisions shall be in conformance with Chapter 20.30A, Planned Rural Residential Development, except that such residential lots shall be a minimum of one acre in size and no larger than five acres in size. Where the requirements of Chapter 20.30A conflict with the requirements of this section, the more restrictive standards shall apply;


    Legal lots from ten to 39.99 acres in size, under the same ownership since August 23, 1993, may be subdivided one time into a maximum of two lots with a minimum lot size of five acres. Further division of a lot created pursuant to this subsection is prohibited.


    Maximum Coverage by Hard Surfaces. Maximum hard surface coverage for new development in this district is as follows (also see Chapter 20.07):


    Lots two and one-half acres or greater: Ten percent.


    Lots less than two and one-half acres: Sixty percent or ten thousand square feet, whichever is less.

    (Ord. 12109 § 1, 1999; Ord. 11398 § 3 (part), 1997: Ord. 10398 § 3 (part), 1993)

(Ord. No. 14773, § 7(Att. F), 7-24-2012; Ord. No. 15355, 1(Att. A, § Q), 10-18-2016)