§ 20.08D.020. Primary uses.  

Latest version.
  • Subject to the provisions of this title, the following uses are permitted within this district:


    Forest practices;


    Forest management activities;


    Removal, harvesting, and sale of vegetation from forest lands including, but not limited to, fuel wood, cones, Christmas trees, salal, berries, ferns, greenery, mistletoe, herbs and mushrooms;


    Accessory uses such as scales and weigh stations, temporary crew quarters, storage and maintenance facilities, residue storage and disposal areas and other uses involved in the growing, harvesting and transport of timber and forest products;


    Agriculture, floriculture, horticulture, general farming, dairy, the raising, feeding and sale or production of poultry, livestock, fur-bearing animals, honeybees including feeding operations, Christmas trees, nursery stock and floral vegetation and other agricultural activities and structures accessory to farming and animal husbandry;


    Single-family residences, in accordance with Section 20.08D.040 and 20.08D.045 (limited to one primary residential structure per lot);


    Storage of explosives, fuels and chemicals used for agriculture and forestry subject to all applicable local, state and federal regulations;


    Forestry, environmental and natural resource research;


    Low-intensity recreation and outdoor recreation facilities, such as primitive campsites, trails and trailheads;


    Private aircraft landing fields, heliports;


    Watershed management facilities including, but not limited to, diversion devices, impoundments, dams for flood control, fire control and stock watering.

    (Ord. 11804 § 46, 1998: Ord. 11398 § 3 (part), 1997: Ord. 10398 § 3 (part), 1993)

(Ord. No. 14773, § 7(Att. F), 7-24-2012)