§ 20.08C.050. Subdivision standards.  

Latest version.
  • Any division of land within this district shall comply with the following requirements:


    Land may be subdivided for agricultural uses, subject to the following requirements:


    Only agriculture and accessory uses, farm residences and farm housing are permitted on lots created pursuant to this section as long as the lots are within this district.


    The minimum lot size for a farm residence is forty acres.


    The minimum lot size for nonresidential agricultural use is five acres.


    Divisions of land between 39.99 acres and five acres in size may be created when the following wording has been affixed to the plat, title and deed of the parcel stating that: "This parcel shall only be used for agricultural uses as provided in the Thurston County Zoning Code and the construction of a single-family residence is prohibited."


    Land may be subdivided for nonagricultural uses subject to the following requirements:


    The subdivision shall meet the subdivision design standards established in Section 20.30A.060, in Chapter 20.30A, Planned Rural Residential Development, to the extent consistent with this chapter, except the density bonus provisions of Section 20.30A.060 shall not apply within this district. Where the requirements in Section 20.30A.060 conflict with the requirements of this district, the more restrictive standards shall apply.


    There shall be no minimum lot size for nonagricultural use lots. The lot size must meet the requirements of the Thurston County Sanitary Code to safely accommodate an approved water supply and on-site sewage disposal system, including space for a reserve drainfield.

(Ord. 11398 § 3 (part), 1997: Ord. 10199 § 9 (part), 1992)