§ 20.08C.020. Primary uses.  

Latest version.
  • Subject to the provisions of this title, the following uses are permitted within this district:


    Agriculture, including forest practices (refer to the definition in Section 20.03.040; does not include wholesale greenhouses);


    Accessory uses and structures including but not limited to farm residences, barns, garages, storage buildings for crops, feed and equipment sheds, shipping, receiving and handling facilities and retail facilities for the sale of agricultural products primarily produced on the premises and related products;


    Farm stands for retail sale of agricultural products grown in the Pacific Northwest are permitted as a matter of right, i.e. no land use approval is required, provided the farm stand is a membranous structure (e.g. tent or canopy), does not exceed four hundred square feet if enclosed on one or more sides, or seven hundred square feet if open on all sides and meets the standards contained in Section 20.54.070(11.7)(a). The stand may not be in place for more than six months out of the year. Wood or metal framed structures meeting all applicable Building Code requirements and the standards contained in this section may operate year around;


    On-site advertising signs of no more than four square feet meeting the standards of TCC Section 20.40.035 are exempt from Thurston County review and approval. Larger signs are permitted pursuant to Chapter 20.40 TCC and may require a building permit.


    Bare root nurseries for the growing and raising of nursery stock and/or Christmas trees, provided that the plants are grown in the ground and not in containers;


    Single-family dwellings and farm residences with lots conforming to provisions of Sections 20.08C.040, 20.05C.045, and 20.08C.050 (limited to one primary residential structure per lot, not including farm housing); and


    Farm housing facilities accessory to the main farm residence to accommodate agricultural workers and their families employed on the premises, or housing for family members of the farm owners as provided:


    These housing facilities are only permitted on parcels containing at least twenty acres and shall not exceed two farm housing units for parcels in excess of forty acres,


    These housing facilities may only be leased, sold or subdivided subject to the density provisions of Section 20.08C.040; otherwise, the maximum density provision of Section 20.08C.040 does not apply to farm housing units, and


    The sewage disposal and water supply shall be approved by the environmental health department.

    (Ord. 12032 § 20, 1999; Ord. 11804 § 44, 1998: Ord. 11398 § 3 (part), 1997: Ord. 10199 § 9 (part), 1992)

(Ord. No. 14678, § 3, 11-15-2011; Ord. No. 14773, § 7(Att. F), 7-24-2012)