§ 20.07.040. Measurement of required yards.  

Latest version.
  • 1.

    Required yards shall be measured to the nearest portion of the outside wall of liveable space or the support column of a structure over thirty inches above finished grade.


    An open, unenclosed porch, deck or stairway over thirty inches above grade may project into a required yard for a distance not to exceed ten feet or one-half of the required setback, whichever is less.


    The ordinary projection of sills, cornices, eaves, rain gutters, bay windows, garden windows, canopies and ornamental features may project a distance not to exceed two feet into the required yard.


    The ordinary projection of chimneys and flues may extend into the required front or rear yard for a distance not to exceed three feet and into the required side yard for a distance not to exceed two feet.


    A private swimming pool shall not be constructed in any required yard. Private swimming pools shall be enclosed by a fence or other barrier at least forty-two inches in height, with a self-latching gate. Above ground pools with a vertical barrier of at least forty-two inches that are made inaccessible by removal of the ladder or similar measure are allowed without a fence or other barrier. The fence or other barrier shall not allow passage of a four inch diameter sphere.


    A free-standing gasoline pump island, including pumps, roof cover and associated accessories, shall maintain a minimum setback of twenty feet from any property line.

(Ord. 11398 § 3 (part), 1997: Ord. 10595 § 4, 1994: Ord. 6708 § 3 (part), 1980)