§ 20.03.040. Definitions.

Latest version.
  • The following definitions shall be used in the interpretation and administration of this title. The definition of various terms as presented in this section does not necessarily represent the same definitions as may be found for the same terms in other chapters of the Thurston County Code.


    Accessory Use. Accessory uses as permitted by this title are set forth in Chapter 20.34. An "accessory use" means a use or building which is clearly subordinate to and customarily found in association with a principal use.


    Academic Schools. See "Schools, Academic."


    "Agricultural home stay" means a farm or farm house that has eight or fewer guestrooms. The agricultural home stay must be located on and be a part of a farm that produces agricultural products as a primary source of income. Meals and light foods or snacks may be served to registered guests of an agricultural home stay at any time.


    "Agricultural land" means land primarily devoted to the commercial production of horticultural, viticultural, floricultural, dairy, apiary, vegetable, or animal products or of berries, grain, hay, straw, turf, seed, Christmas trees, timber and forest products, finish in upland hatcheries, or livestock, and that has long-term commercial significance for agricultural production.


    "Agriculture" means the use of a tract of land for (a) the tilling of the soil; (b) the raising, harvesting and processing of crops or plant growth of any kind, including forest practices; (c) pasturage; (d) horticulture including wholesale greenhouses; (e) dairying; (f) raising of poultry and livestock; (g) shellfish or fish farming, including finfish in upland hatcheries; or (h) raising, harvesting and processing of clams, oysters and mussels.


    "Agritourism" means an enterprise generally located at a working farm, ranch, or other agricultural operation or facility, which is conducted for the enjoyment and education of visitors, guests or clients, and that generates income for the owner/operator. Agritourism is also the act of visiting a working farm/ranch or any agricultural or horticultural operation for the purposes of enjoyment, education or active involvement in the activities of the farm/ranch or agricultural operation that also adds to the economic viability of the agricultural operation. Agriculture or agricultural production must be the primary use of the land except as otherwise provided, pursuant to the standards and criteria established by Chapter 20.08G, Agritourism Overlay District (AOD). Uses permitted by that chapter are generally defined as agritourism uses within the AOD.


    "Agritourism Overlay District (AOD)" means an overlay zoning district covering an area defined by the official Thurston County Zoning Map, which incorporates the standards of the underlying zoning district. The main goal of the AOD is to support local agriculture and provide alternatives to the conversion of farm land through sustainable rural economic development and empowering farmers to attempt new, entrepreneurial endeavors which augment, support and highlight local agriculture.

    Uses permitted within the AOD include, but are not limited to agricultural home stays, farm kitchens and bakeries, educational and interpretive seminars, you pick operations (Christmas trees, pumpkin patches, berry picking etc.), day tours, cooking and food preservation classes, elder hostels, petting zoos, horseback riding, zip lines/aerial rope slide courses, photography, nature watching, temporary gatherings, farm weddings and festivals, country inns, small scale wineries, craft distilleries and micro-breweries. Non-listed agritourism uses within the AOD are subject to the standards of Chapter 20.08G TCC, unless such uses are specifically exempt from Thurston County review and approval.


    "Airport approach areas" means an imaginary surface longitudinally centered on the runway centerline, extending outward and upward from the end of the runway, and is based upon the type of approach available or planned for that runway end.


    "Alteration" means change to, addition to, or modification of an existing use or physical structure that is beyond routine repair and maintenance but does not amount to total replacement. An alteration includes activity that requires a building permit.


    Antenna, WCF. "WCF antenna" means any exterior apparatus designed for telephonic, radio, data or internet communication through the sending and/or receiving of electromagnetic waves.


    "Antenna support structure" means a tower, monopole, or other structure used to support radio, television, wireless communication (including pagers), or automated meter reading antennas and/or repeaters. It includes new or replacement utility poles that would exceed the height of adjacent poles for the purpose of providing sufficient elevation to accommodate antennas. It does not include existing buildings or other structures not specifically listed above that serve a primary function other than to support antennas (including, but not limited to, water tanks, existing utility poles, and light standards).


    "Approval authority" means the director of the Thurston County Resource Stewardship Department, or his/her designee, for administrative permits.


    "Art tourism" means the act of visiting a geographic region in order to visit, see and experience local art, art history, artists, craftspersons and culture.


    "Arterial" means a street which is used primarily for through traffic, or which by its location will likely be needed for such use in the normal growth of the community, as defined by the adopted arterial street map.


    "Athletic facility" means a building or place that is used for athletic training, fitness activities or sports-related activities.


    "Automobile graveyard" means any lot or place which is exposed to the weather and upon which more than five motor vehicles of any kind incapable of being operated and not currently licensed are placed, located or found.


    "Automotive and mechanical sales and services" means such uses as sales lots and buildings for new and used cars; farm implements; trailers and mobile homes; motor vehicle repair garages; and other similar uses.


    Automobile Service Station. See "Service station."


    "Bare root nursery" means an area for the cultivation and propagation of trees, shrubs, and plants which are grown in the ground and not in containers.


    "Bathroom" means a space containing a wash basin and a toilet. It may include a bathtub, or shower, or both.


    "Billboard" means a sign containing a commercial message which directs attention to a business, commodity, service or entertainment not sold or provided upon the premises where such sign is located or to which it is affixed. This does not include temporary signs not exceeding six square feet in size, directional signs authorized by the county under Section 20.40.038, or signs on licensed commercial vehicles which are not used as a stationary display. For purposes of this definition, "commercial message" means all direct and indirect advertisements for any transaction for profit involving merchandise, goods, commodities, articles or services, or a logo or other representation which calls attention to a business, product, service, or other activity.


    "Bio-mass conversion" or "bio-mass energy production" means the controlled combustion, when separated from other solid waste and used for producing electricity, steam, or heat, of (1) Agricultural crop residues, (2) Bark, lawn, yard, and garden clippings, (3) Leaves, silvicultural residue, and tree and brush pruning, (4) Wood, wood chips, and wood waste, (5) pulp or paper materials, or (6) peat. Bio-mass conversion does not include the controlled combustion of solid waste materials such as sewage sludge, industrial sludge, medical waste, hazardous waste, or either high-level or low-level radioactive waste.


    "Bio-mass facility" means a facility which uses a bio-mass conversion or bio-mass gasification process for the production of electricity, steam, or heat.


    "Bio-mass gasification" means a technology that uses a non-combustion process to convert solid waste such as (1) Agricultural crop residues, (2) Bark, lawn, yard, and garden clippings, (3) Leaves, silvicultural residue, and tree and brush pruning, (4) Wood, wood chips, and wood waste, (5) pulp or paper materials, or (6) peat to a fuel for the purpose of generating electricity, steam, or heat.


    "Boardinghouse" means a building, other than a hotel, where meals and lodging are provided for compensation to nontransient persons.


    "Building" means any structure used or intended for supporting or sheltering any use or occupancy.


    "Building front" means that one face or wall of a building which is to contain the main entrance(s).


    "Building group" means a group of two or more main buildings and any uses accessory thereto, occupying a lot in one ownership and having any yard in common.


    Building Height. See "Height, Building."


    Building, Principal. "Principal building" means a building in which is conducted the primary use of the lot on which it is situated.


    "Buildings housing animals" means buildings, such as stables, kennels, catteries, hen houses, barns or other structures, that are designed or used to house animals.


    "Camp or recreation ground" means public or private recreational campgrounds that may include some recreational vehicle facilities, but not including travel trailer parks.


    "Camping trailer" means a vehicular portable structure mounted on wheels constructed with collapsible, partial side walls of fabric, plastic or other pliable materials for folding compactly while being transported.


    "Car wash" means a structure, or portion thereof, containing facilities for washing motor vehicles, using production-line, automated or semi-automated methods for washing, whether or not employing a chain conveyor, blower, steam-cleaning or similar mechanical devices.


    "Caretaker" means a person engaged to look after or maintain property and who may reside on the subject property.


    "Carport" means any space outside a building and contiguous or adjacent thereto, wholly or partly covered by a roof, and used primarily for the shelter of parked motor vehicles.


    "Centerline" means a line lying midway between the side lines of a street right-of-way.


    "Cluster subdivision" means a subdivision design with smaller lots than those allowed in conventional subdivisions to be clustered on a portion of a parcel, thereby providing open space areas at a minimum of twenty percent of the total site area (see Appendix Figure 2).


    "Collector street" means a street other than an arterial which is used primarily for carrying street traffic to one or more arterials, and which is identified on the adopted arterial street map.


    "Co-location" means WCF equipment affixed to or erected upon existing freestanding or remote freestanding WCFs or other communication towers.


    "Commercial recreation" means any use of land for commercial recreation purposes, including, but not limited to, such uses as bowling alleys, billiard parlors, theaters, golf driving ranges and marinas.


    "Commercial trade school" means a secondary school teaching skilled trades such as, but not limited to, automotive technology, culinary arts, real estate, and computer technology.


    "Commercial uses" means and includes the providing of goods, merchandise or services for compensation, including, but not limited to, retail shopping, commercial recreation, business and professional offices, highway-oriented businesses, automotive and mechanical sales and services including outdoor storage when desirable for reasons of health, fire or safety codes, when normal and standard practice of the enterprise, and incidental to shipping, delivery and loading.


    "Community center" means a facility used for recreational, social and cultural activities that is open to the public or a designated part of the public and is usually owned and operated by a public or nonprofit group or agency.


    "Community club" means a facility used for recreational, social and cultural activities serving a single subdivision and its future divisions and/or homeowners association.


    "Community event" means any festival, celebration, fair or other similar event held in the county with local participation and sponsorship which is open to the public and does not exceed seven days in duration during any calendar year.


    "Comprehensive plan" means the official document or elements thereof, adopted by the board pursuant to Chapter 36.70A RCW, including adopted joint plans and subarea plans, and intended to guide the physical development of the county or a portion thereof.


    Conditional Use. Any reference to "conditional use" means special use.


    "Congregate care" means a facility which provides its residents shelter, food, nonpersonal laundry and household maintenance, encouragement and assistance in taking responsibility for themselves, guidance as necessary in activities of daily living, and social and recreational activities and opportunities. A congregate care facility does not provide medical, nursing or social casework services.


    "Construction materials yard" means any area used on a temporary basis for the storage or processing of materials and supplies used in the actual construction of a project for a limited period of time.


    "Convenience center" means a small commercial shopping area, designed as a homogeneous component of a neighborhood, allowed as a special use under the provisions of Chapter 20.54.


    Corner Lot. See "Lot Types" and "Vision clearance area."


    "Correctional facility" means (a) a state or local government-operated facility which provides for physical restriction of residents; (b) A facility to which persons are sentenced for a specific period of time by the court.


    "Country inn" means a restaurant and/or temporary overnight accommodations to be located in a R 1/20, R 1/10, RR-1/5, RRR 1/5, RL 1/2, RL 2/1, or RL 1/1 zone or agritourism overlay districts and which may include a lounge not to exceed twenty-five percent of restaurant area and facilities for banquets, meeting space, weddings, and similar parties and activities.


    "Craft distillery" means a small scale facility which manufactures distilled alcohol for human consumption, limited to a maximum of twenty thousand (20,000) square feet in size.


    "Culinary tourism" means experiencing the food of the country, region or area (cuisine as an expression of culture); experiencing what is unique and memorable and not necessarily pretentious and exclusive. Wine and beer tourism are regarded as subsets of culinary tourism. Culinary tourism can be a primary element of agritourism, geotourism and rural tourism where the focus is on locally grown produce and local specialty foods.


    "Dangerous waste" means any discarded, useless, unwanted or abandoned substances, including but not limited to certain pesticides, or any residues or containers of such substances which are disposed of in such quantity or concentration as to pose a substantial present or potential hazard to human health, wildlife, or the environment because such wastes or constituents or combinations of such wastes:


    Have short-lived, toxic properties that may cause death, injury, or illness or have mutagenic, teratogenic, or carcinogenic properties; or


    Are corrosive, explosive, flammable, or may generate pressure through decomposition or other means.


    "Day-care center" means an agency which regularly provides care for a group of children for periods of less than twenty-four hours.


    "Density" means the average number of units per acre, calculated on the gross area of the lot.


    "Density district" is synonymous with zone and means an area of the county which is characterized by economic, geographic or geological conditions which justify the determination of a maximum density for residential land use and the application of special land use regulations; and which is delineated on the zone map or maps.


    "Department" when used by itself in this title means the resource stewardship department, unless otherwise indicated in the specific section.


    "Development" means any physical man-made change to improved or unimproved real estate requiring a county approval including, but not limited to, buildings or other structures, mining, dredging, filling, grading, paving, excavation or drilling operations.


    "Directional sign" means a sign without advertising that directs people to a location. Such signs may include a logo or other business or site identification.


    "Document of attachment" means a legal document which permanently attaches a transferable development right to a parcel of land.


    "Driveway" means that space or area of a lot that is primarily intended for the movement of motor vehicles within the lot or from the lot to a public street.


    "Dwelling" means a building or portion thereof, designed or used for residential occupancy. The term dwelling shall not be construed to mean a motel, rooming house, hospital, or other accommodation used for more or less transient occupancy.


    Dwelling, Manufactured Home. "Manufactured home dwelling" means a single-family residential unit factory-built after June 15, 1976, in accordance with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards Act, which is a national, preemptive building code. Manufactured homes do not meet the requirements of the Uniform Building Code. For the purpose of this chapter, a manufactured home shall be deemed to be a single-family dwelling unless otherwise specified. (See also "Mobile or manufactured home park.")


    Dwelling, Mobile Home. "Mobile home dwelling" means a single-family residential unit factory-built prior to June 15, 1976, to standards other than the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) code and acceptable under applicable state codes in effect at the time of construction or introduction of the home into the state. Mobile homes do not meet the requirements of the Uniform Building Code. For the purpose of this chapter, a mobile home shall be deemed to be a single-family dwelling unless otherwise specified. (See also "Mobile or manufactured home park.")


    Dwelling, Modular Home. "Modular home dwelling" means a single-family residential unit factory-built and transported to the building site, in whole or in units, and meeting the requirements of the Uniform Building Code. For the purpose of this chapter, a modular home shall be deemed to be a single-family dwelling and shall not be deemed a mobile or manufactured home.


    Dwelling, Multiple Family. "Multiple family dwelling" means a residential building containing two or more separate dwelling units located on a single lot or parcel of ground. For the purpose of this title, a multiple family dwelling shall not be construed to mean a single-family attached dwelling as defined in this section.


    Dwelling, Single-Family. "Single-family dwelling" means a residential building containing only one dwelling unit entirely surrounded by open space or yards on the same lot. "Single-family dwellings" include stick-built, manufactured, mobile and modular homes. Note that manufactured, mobile or modular homes must comply with additional or unique standards as specified in this chapter. Unless otherwise specified, "single-family dwelling" refers to single-family detached.


    Dwelling, Single-Family Attached. "Single-family attached dwelling" means a group of two or more single-family dwelling units which are joined to one another by a common party wall, a common floor-ceiling and/or connecting permanent structures such as breezeways, carports, garages or screening fences or walls, whether or not such a group is located on a single parcel of ground or on adjoining individual lots. Each unit shall have its own outside entrance(s). For the purpose of this title, dwellings such as a semidetached, garden court dwelling, patio house and town house shall be deemed a single-family attached dwelling.


    "Dwelling unit" means one or more rooms in a residential building or residential portion of a building which are arranged, designed, used or intended for use as a complete, independent living facility for one family, and which includes permanent provision for living, sleeping, eating, cooking and sanitation.


    "Easement" means a grant by a property owner of the use of his land by another party for a specific purpose.


    "Ecotourism" means environmentally responsible travel to fragile, pristine, and usually protected areas that strive to be low impact and often small scale as opposed to mass tourism. The purpose is to educate the traveler; provide funds for ecological conservation; directly benefit the economic development and political empowerment of local communities; and foster respect for nature, different cultures and human rights.


    Energy Transmitting and Generation. See "Major energy transmission and generating facilities."


    "Essential public facilities" means public facilities and privately-owned or operated facilities serving a public purpose that are typically difficult to site. They include but are not limited to:


    State education facilities; state or regional transportation facilities; prisons, jails and other correctional facilities; solid waste handling facilities; airports; and inpatient facilities such as group homes, mental health facilities and substance abuse facilities; sewage treatment facilities; and communication towers and antennas.


    Facilities identified by the State Office of Financial Management as essential public facilities, consistent with RCW 36.70A.200; and


    Facilities identified as essential public facilities in Chapter 20.54 TCC.


    "Expansion" means alteration of a use or structure that extends beyond the existing use area or building footprint.


    "Extremely hazardous waste" means any dangerous waste which:


    Will persist in a hazardous form for several years or more at a disposal site and which in its persistent form:


    Presents a significant environmental hazard and may be concentrated by living organisms through a food chain or may affect the genetic make-up of man or wildlife, and


    Is highly toxic to man or wildlife;


    If disposed of at a disposal site in such quantities as would present an extreme hazard to man or the environment.


    "Family day care provider" means a child day care provider who regularly provides child day care for not more than twelve children in the provider's home in the family living quarters.


    Farm. A "farm" is defined as a tract of land cultivated for the purpose of agricultural production devoted to the raising of crops and/or domestic animals and where the farmer or farm family participates in the day-to-day labor and management of the farm, and owns or leases its productive assets.


    Farmers Market. A "farmers market" consists of individual vendors, primarily farmers, who set up booths, tables or other displays outdoors or indoors, selling primarily local produce, meat products, fruits, vegetables, value-added agricultural products and possibly prepared foods and beverages directly to the public.


    "Farm housing" means residential structures which are required for farm operators, employees, or family members of the operator or owner who are employed on the farm. These structures may be mobile homes, bunkhouses, or single-family dwellings. One of the adults living in the home must make over fifty percent of his or her gross income from the farming operation or be a caretaker of the farm.


    "Farm residence" means a single-family dwelling which is the primary dwelling for a farm.


    "Feed lot" means any commercial establishment or facility commonly used for the express purpose of feeding cattle or other livestock for immediate slaughter.


    "Floodplain" means area that would be inundated by a flood of such magnitude that it would occur theoretically at least once in one hundred years.


    "Floodway" means the channel of a river or stream and those portions of the floodplain adjoining the channel which are reasonably required to efficiently carry and discharge the floodwater or flood flow of any stream. It is any place where the water is moving with velocity and a definite current, but does not include areas where the water is just standing. It is generally assumed that, if the floodwaters were confined to the floodway, the flood stage would not increase more than a foot.


    Floor Area, Gross. "Gross floor area" means the sum of the total horizontal area of each floor of all buildings on a lot, measured from the exterior faces of exterior walls. The term gross floor area shall include basements; elevator shafts and stairwells at each story; floor space used for mechanical equipment with structural headroom of six feet, six inches or more; penthouses; attic space, whether or not a floor has actually been laid, providing structural headroom of six feet, six inches or more; interior balconies; and mezzanines.

    Parking structures and roof top mechanical structures are excluded from gross floor area.


    "Floor area ratio" is determined by dividing the gross floor area of all buildings on a lot by the area of that lot.


    "Forest management activities" means administration of timber lands including, but not limited to, research, storage of equipment, environmental education, timber inventory, database management, mapping, and the preparation of permits and contracts.


    "Forest practice" means any activity conducted on or directly pertaining to forest land and relating to growing, harvesting or processing timber, including but not limited to:


    Road and trail construction;


    Harvesting, final and intermediate;


    Precommercial thinning;






    Prevention and suppression of diseases and insects;


    Salvage of trees; and


    Brush control.

    "Forest practice" shall not include forest management activities. For purposes of this chapter, "forest practices" includes preparatory work such as tree marking, surveying and road flagging.


    "Foster family home" means a dwelling unit in which foster care is provided for children or adults as part of the family and the dwelling unit is governed by the state foster care home licensing provisions and conducted in accordance with state requirements.


    Fraternal Organization. See "Community Club."


    "Funeral chapel" means a building used primarily for human funeral services, provided that such building shall not contain facilities for (a) embalming; (b) performance of autopsies or other similar surgical procedures; (c) cremation; or (d) storage of funeral caskets and funeral urns, except those on display on the premises; and (e) that funeral vehicles shall not be stored on the premises except in a garage or other accessory building with no direct public street frontage; and (f) that the garage or other accessory building shall not be used for other purposes.


    "Funeral home" means a building or part thereof used for human funeral services. Such building may contain space and facilities for (a) embalming and the performance of other services used in the preparation of the dead for burial; (b) the performance of autopsies and other surgical procedures; (c) the storage of caskets, funeral urns and other related funeral supplies; (d) the storage of funeral vehicles; and (e) facilities for cremation. For the purpose of this title, where a funeral home is permitted, a funeral chapel shall also be permitted.


    "Garage" means an accessory building, or part of an accessory building, or part of a principal building used primarily for the storage of passenger vehicles.


    "Garage or yard sales" means sales of personal household items conducted on the premises of a residential dwelling and occurring no more frequently than two times in any one calendar year, pursuant to Chapter 6.30 TCC.


    "Gasoline dispensing station" means building and premises for dispensing motor vehicle fuels, oil, grease and related supplies, and which may provide automobile servicing and repair.


    "Geo-tourism" means best practice tourism that sustains or enhances the geographical character of a place, culture, environment, heritage and well-being of its residents and often includes many elements of nature tourism and ecotourism.


    "Golf facility" means real property utilized by a for-profit or non-profit commercial entity for purposes relating to the sport of golf, excluding stand-alone retail golf businesses.


    "Grade" (adjacent ground elevation) means the lowest point of elevation of the finished surface of the ground, paving or sidewalk within the area between the building and the property line or, when the property line is more than five feet from the building, between the building and a line five feet from the building.


    Grade, Average Finish. "Average finish grade" means the average grade elevation at the center of all exterior walls of a building or structure to be placed on a site.


    "Gross acreage" or "gross area" means all land, excluding tidelands, within the exterior boundaries of the development, including but not limited to land allocated for open space and land to be dedicated for streets or roads.


    Gross Floor Area. See "Floor Area, Gross."


    "Gross leasable area" means the total floor area designed for tenant occupancy and exclusive use, including basements, mezzanines and upper floors, if any; expressed in square feet and measured from the centerline of joint partitions and from outside wall faces.


    "Guest house, or rooms for guests" means an accessory use area in an attached or detached building that provides a bedroom, or areas that could be used as habitable space, and a bathroom with a shower or a tub for guests of the occupants of the primary dwelling unit. A guest house or rooms for guests will contain no kitchen or cooking facilities, or areas that could be considered as or converted to a kitchen or cooking facility.


    "Hard surface" means an impervious surface, a permeable pavement, or a vegetated roof, in contrast with vegetated permeable soils.


    "Hazardous waste" means all dangerous and extremely hazardous waste, including substances composed of radioactive and hazardous components.


    "Heavy equipment storage yard" means the use of any space, whether inside or outside a building, for the storage or keeping of construction equipment, machinery or vehicles or parts thereof.


    Height, Building. "Building height" means the vertical distance from average finish grade level to the highest point of a building or structure excluding any chimney, antenna, or other uninhabitable vertical appurtenances. (See Appendix Figure 9).


    "Highway-oriented business" means a use which is dependent upon both a large flow of traffic and convenient access. It includes such uses as motels, restaurants, automobile service stations and produce stands.


    "Home occupation" means any activity undertaken for gain or profit and conducted in a dwelling, or building accessory to a dwelling, by a member or members of the family residing in the dwelling. This includes home office activity for service occupations where the service is performed away from the home office.


    "Homeless encampment" means an outdoor area used for a transitional emergency shelter for homeless people, hosted by a church or other organization.


    "Hospital" means any institution, place, building or agency which provides accommodations, facilities and services over a continuous period of twenty-four hours or more for observation, diagnosis or care of two or more individuals not related to the operator who are suffering from illness, injury, deformity or abnormality, or from any other condition for which obstetrical, medical or surgical services would be appropriate for care or diagnosis. It does not include hotels or similar places furnishing only food and lodging, or simply domiciliary care; nor does it include clinics or physicians' offices where patients are not regularly kept as bed patients for twenty-four hours or more; nor does it include nursing homes, maternity homes, psychiatric hospitals nor any other hospital or institution specifically intended for use in the diagnosis and care of those suffering from mental illness, mental retardation, convulsive disorders or other abnormal mental condition.


    "Host agency" means a property owner such as the county, a church, or other organization that provides property for a homeless encampment. A host agency may join in an application with a sponsoring agency, or also be a sponsoring agency if it is assuming responsibility for providing basic services and support to temporary emergency homeless encampment residents, such as hot meals, coordination of other needed donations and services.


    "Impervious surface" means a non-vegetated surface area which either prevents or retards the entry of water into the soil mantle as under natural conditions prior to development. A non-vegetated surface area which causes water to run off the surface in greater quantities or at an increased rate of flow from the flow present under natural conditions prior to development. Common impervious surfaces include, but are not limited to, roof tops, walkways, patios, driveways, parking lots or storage areas, concrete or asphalt paving, gravel roads, packed earthen materials, and oiled, macadam or other surfaces which similarly impede the natural infiltration of stormwater.


    "Jail" means a public facility for the incarceration of people under warrant, awaiting trial on felony or misdemeanor charges, convicted but not yet sentenced, or serving a sentence of one year or less. This definition does not include facilities for programs providing alternatives to imprisonment such as prerelease, work release, or probation.


    "Junk" means old iron, steel, brass, copper, tin, lead or other base metals; old cordage, ropes, rags, fibers or fabrics; old rubber; old bottles or other glass; bones; waste paper, plastic and other waste or discarded material which might be prepared to be used again in some form; any or all of the foregoing; and motor vehicles, no longer used as such, to be used for scrap metal or stripping of parts; but "junk" shall not include materials or objects accumulated by a person as by-products, waste or scraps from the operation of his own business or materials or objects held and used by a manufacturer as an integral part of his own manufacturing processes.


    "Junk vehicle" means any inoperable, abandoned, disassembled, or extensively damaged automobile, truck, bus, van, sport utility vehicle, motorcycle, recreational vehicle, boat, trailer, or other vehicle, or any parts thereof, excluding farm equipment or prominently displayed, ornamental machinery. A combination of two or more of the following conditions, as determined by the compliance officer constitute prima facie evidence of a junk vehicle: a buildup of debris moss or weeds on, in, under, or around the vehicle that obstructs use; damage to the frame or more than one vehicle panel/surface; more than one missing or shattered window/windshield; more than one inoperable or missing headlight or taillight; more than one flat tire; a missing or inoperable engine or transmission; a missing wheel, tire, body panel, door, hood, or other obvious part, not including a bumper; a missing license plate; a license plate that has been invalid for more than sixty days; a missing exterior mirror on the driver's side; or evidence demonstrating that the vehicle has not moved in at least sixty days. This does not include special interest vehicles undergoing active restoration that are free of debris, moss and weeds that could obstruct their use or associated parts vehicles consistent with § 20.34.020. This definition only applies to privately owned land.


    "Junk yard" means a yard, lot or place, covered or uncovered, outdoors or in an enclosed building, containing junk as defined above, upon which occurs one or more acts of buying, keeping, dismantling, processing, selling or offering for sale any such junk, in whole units or by parts, for a business or commercial purpose, whether or not the proceeds from such act or acts are to be used for charity.


    "Juvenile detention facilities" means a public facility or institution exclusively for the incarceration of people under twenty-one years of age awaiting trial or sentencing or serving a court imposed sentence.


    "Kennel" means any place where more than three dogs and their young up to six months old are kept for any commercial or personal purpose. A kennel shall not be interpreted to include a pet shop or grooming shop.


    "Kitchen" means any room principally used, intended, or designed to be used for cooking or the preparation of food. The presence of a range or oven, or utility connections suitable for servicing a range or oven, shall normally be considered as establishing a kitchen. The meaning of "kitchen" shall exclude a bar or butler's pantry.


    "Limited areas of more intensive rural development (LAMIRD)" means a zoning district containing rural development at a density exceeding one dwelling unit per five acres, established pursuant to RCW 36.70A.070(5)(d). LAMIRDs are limited to areas of development established before July 1, 1990 (the date Thurston County was required to plan under the Growth Management Act), with limited potential for infill development, and defined by logical outer boundaries.


    "Limited overnight facilities" means overnight accommodations, including sleeping and kitchen facilities, serving groups at publicly owned conservation areas and preserves for the specific purpose of education about the natural resources on-site and ongoing management/preservation programs.


    Limited Use. Any reference to "limited use" means special use.


    "Loading space" means an area required in addition to regular yard and parking requirements, for the loading and unloading of trucks and other vehicles.


    Lot, Corner. See "Lot Types."


    "Lot coverage" means that portion of a lot which, when viewed directly from above, would be covered by a building, or any part of a building, except any area covered by a structure where fifty percent or more of the perimeter of such structure is open from grade. (See Appendix Figure 4.)


    "Lot frontage" means that portion of a lot nearest the street. For the purpose of determining yard requirements, all sides of a lot adjacent to a street shall be considered frontage and yards shall be provided as indicated under yards in this title. (See Appendix Figure 11.)


    Lot Line, Front. "Front lot line" means a property line contiguous with the street line. On a corner lot, the front lot line shall be the lot line providing principal access from the adjacent street; however, all sides of a lot adjacent to a street shall meet front yard requirements.


    Lot Line, Rear. "Rear lot line" means a lot line which is opposite and most distant from the front lot line. In the case of a triangular, or gore-shaped lot, it means a line ten feet in length within the lot parallel to and at the maximum distance from the front lot line. (See Appendix Figure 5.)


    Lot Line, Side. "Side lot line" means a property line which is not a front or rear lot line. (See Appendix Figures 5 and 6.)


    Lot Measurements.


    Depth of a lot shall be considered to be the horizontal length of a straight line drawn from the midpoint of the front property line of the lot to the midpoint of the rear property line. (See Appendix Figure 5.)


    Width of lot shall be the horizontal distance between the side lot lines measured at right angles to the lot depth at a point midway between the front and rear property line. (See Appendix Figure 7.)


    "Lot of record" means a lot shown as a part of a recorded subdivision, or any parcel of land described by metes and bounds in a recorded deed, record of survey or other appropriate document recorded in the office of the county auditor.


    Lot Types.


    "Corner lot" means a lot that abuts two or more intersecting streets or a lot along a curving street that forms one of the three lot boundaries as depicted in Appendix Figure 6. (Also see Vision clearance area.)


    "Flag lot" means a lot, approved in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 20.07, which does not abut a public street other than by its driveway which affords access to the lot.


    "Interior lot" means a lot, other than a corner lot, with a street along only one lot boundary or a through lot. (See Appendix Figure 7.)


    "Nearby lot" means: (1) a lot that is contiguous to the subject lot; (2) a lot that is across a public right-of-way from the subject lot and within one hundred feet of a lot line of the subject lot; or (3) a lot that is adjacent to a lot directly across the public right-of-way from the subject lot.


    "Through lot" means an interior lot bounded on opposite ends by streets that do not intersect along the lot's frontage. Through lots also may be referred to as "double-frontage" lots. (See Appendix Figure 7.)


    "Major energy transmission and generating facilities" means facilities for transmission and generation of electricity, petroleum or petroleum products or synthetic gas, exclusive of facilities generally used for providing direct service to residential and commercial customers, such as power substations and transmission lines serving residential areas.


    Manufactured Home, Dwelling. (See Dwelling, Manufactured Home.)


    "Microbrewery" means a small scale brewery, including craft breweries and nanobreweries limited to twenty thousand square feet in size.


    "Mineral extraction" means the removal of minerals, including, but not limited to, sand, gravel, shale, rock, coal, soil, peat or clay, from an excavation in the earth. This shall not include the following:


    Excavation and grading at building construction sites where such construction is authorized by a valid building permit; or


    Excavation and grading in public rights-of-way for the purpose of on-site road construction, or in private rights-of-way for the same purpose if authorized by the public works department; or


    Excavation and grading for the purpose of developing ponds or manure lagoons for agricultural purposes where the total time of excavation and grading does not exceed forty-five consecutive calendar days; or


    Excavation and grading in connection with and at the site of any creek, river or flood-control or storm drainage channel for the purpose of enlarging hydraulic capacity or changing the location or constructing a new channel or storm drain where such work has been approved by the public works department; or


    Excavation and grading where the excavated material will be used on the same property or on property contiguous to and under the same ownership as the excavation.


    "Military training" means the activity of personnel to individually and collectively increase their capacity to perform specific military functions and tasks.


    Mobile Home, Dwelling. See "Dwelling, Mobile Home."


    "Mobile or manufactured home park" means an area of land, in single ownership, on which ground space is made available for the location of two or more mobile or manufactured homes. Such mobile or manufactured homes are generally owned by the occupants who pay a fee for the use of the ground space. The mobile or manufactured homes remain essentially portable and may be moved from time to time.


    "National defense" means the measures taken by the United States or the United States in cooperation with other countries to safeguard their interests and objectives against military attacks by all enemies foreign and domestic.


    "Native vegetation" means vegetation or plant species, other than noxious weeds, which are indigenous to the area or habitat in question and which reasonably could have been expected to naturally occur on the site.


    "Natural condition" means that the topography and vegetation of an area is unaltered by clearing and grading during construction and protected in perpetuity.


    Nature Tourism. See "Ecotourism."


    "Neighborhood/community shopping area" means a small retail shopping area dealing in convenience goods such as food and drugs or personal services. The area serves the everyday personal needs of a neighborhood population, has considerable walk-in trade, generates little traffic from outside the neighborhood, and is integrated within a residential development. It is very compatible with the residential development within which it is integrated and with residential uses surrounding the development.


    "Nonconforming structure" means a building, or a portion thereof, which was lawfully erected, altered or maintained prior to the adoption of the ordinance codified in this title, but because of the application of the ordinance codified in this title does not conform to the provisions of the ordinance codified in this title.


    "Nonconforming use" means an activity that was lawfully established prior to the adoption of the ordinance codified in this title, but because of the application of the ordinance codified in this title, does not conform to the provisions of the ordinance codified in this title.


    Nurseries or Greenhouses, Retail. "Retail nurseries or greenhouses" means establishments conducting retail sales of plants and related items.


    "Nursing home" means any dwelling place or institution which operates or maintains facilities providing convalescent or chronic care, or both, for a period in excess of twenty-four consecutive hours for three or more patients not related by blood or marriage to the operator, who by reason of illness or infirmity are unable to care for themselves.


    "Off-site" means any area outside the boundary of a lot.


    "Off-site treatment and storage facility" means a facility that treats or stores hazardous wastes generated on properties other than the property on which the off-site facility is located. (This definition is derived from the 1987 edition of "Zoning Guidelines for Hazardous Waste Treatment and Storage Facilities" by the Department of Ecology.)


    Off-Street Parking. See "Parking, Off-Street."


    Office, Business or Professional. "Business or professional office" means any room, studio, suite or building used primarily for the conduct of a business such as accounting, correspondence, research, editing, administration or analysis; or the conduct of a business by salesmen, sales representatives or manufacturer's representatives.


    "On-site" means that area which is within the boundary of a lot.


    "On-site treatment and storage facility" means a facility that treats or stores hazardous wastes or special incinerator ash generated on the same property. (This definition is derived from the 1987 edition of "Zoning Guidelines for Hazardous Waste Treatment and Storage Facilities" by the Department of Ecology.)


    "Open space" means land having value for the following: (a) parks and recreation purposes; (b) conservation of land and other natural resource purposes; and (c) scenic and historical purposes.


    "Overnight lodging" means a facility or place offering temporary, overnight lodging units to travelers and guests for periods of thirty days or less per visit, and may include food service operations in accordance with Washington State and local health standards. Facilities providing overnight lodging or overnight accommodations may include country inns, bed and breakfasts or agricultural home stays.


    "Owner" means the owner of record, as determined by the records of the county auditor; provided, that the owner under a real estate contract is purchaser-vendee and the owner of mortgaged property is the mortgagor.


    "Pacific Northwest." For the purposes of this Title, "Pacific Northwest" is defined as the U.S. states of Washington, Oregon and Idaho.


    "Parking lot" means an area, not within a building or other structure, where motor vehicles may be stored for the purpose of temporary, daily or overnight off-street parking. For the purpose of this title, a "parking lot" includes a motor vehicle display lot, and a commercial parking lot.


    Parking, Off-Street. "Off-street parking" means any space, whether or not required by the provisions of this title, specifically allotted to the parking of motor vehicles as an accessory use. For the purpose of this title, such space shall not be located in a dedicated right-of-way, a travel lane, a service drive, nor any easement for public ingress or egress so as to block access.


    "Parking space" means a designated off-street area, which is available and usable for the parking of one motor vehicle.


    "Parts vehicle" means a motor vehicle that is used as a source of parts for the restoration and/or maintenance of a special interest vehicle that is of the same make and model as the special interest vehicle.


    "Permeable pavement" means pervious concrete, porous asphalt, permeable pavers or other forms of pervious or porous paving material intended to allow passage of water through the pavement section. It often includes an aggregate base that provides structural support and acts as a stormwater reservoir.


    "Permitted or primary use" means any authorized use allowed alone or in conjunction with other uses in a specified zoning district and subject to the limitations of the regulations of such zoning district. Nothing in this definition shall be construed to relieve any person of the obligation to obtain other permits required by other applicable regulations or laws.


    "Person" means every natural person, firm, partnership, association, social or fraternal organization, corporation, estate, trust, receiver, syndicate, branch of government or any other group or combination acting as a unit.


    "Pervious surface" means any surface material that allows stormwater to infiltrate into the ground. Examples include lawn, landscape, pasture, native vegetation areas, and permeable pavements.


    "Planned residential development" means a unified development in which the subdivision and/or zoning regulations apply to the project as a whole rather than to its individual lots, in order to gain a more advantageous use of the land.


    "Prerelease" means a public facility for the incarceration of people convicted of felony crimes serving a court imposed sentence which prepares inmates for their release or transfer to a work release facility. Inmates of such facilities are under constant supervision.


    "Primary highways" means U.S. 101 and State Routes 8, 12, 121, 507, 510, and any state highway which is or becomes part of the federal aid primary system described in Section 103(b) of Title 23, United States Code.


    "Principal building" means a building in which the primary use of the lot on which the building is located is conducted.


    "Principal use" means the main use of land or structures as distinguished from a secondary or accessory use.


    "Prison" means a public facility for the incarceration of people convicted of felony crimes serving a court imposed sentence. This includes minimum security facilities which house inmates with less than three years remaining to serve who meet stringent public safety placement criteria established by the Department of Corrections, medium security facilities which have strict security standards including a fenced and patrolled perimeter, and high security facilities which offer the greatest level of security to minimize the potential for escape.


    "Public facilities" means buildings or uses of land whether owned or leased, operated by a public agency for such purposes as providing places for public assembly and recreation, operating services of benefit to the public, or for the administration of public affairs.


    "Public use" means any area, building or structure held, used, or controlled exclusively for public purposes by any department or branch of any government, without reference to the ownership of the building or structure or of the land upon which it is situated.


    "Public utility" means a business or service, either governmental or having appropriate approval from the state, which is engaged in regularly supplying the public with some commodity or service which is of public consequence and need such as electricity, gas, water, transportation or communications.


    "Quasi-public use" means any use which is essentially public, as in services rendered, although it is under private ownership or control.


    "Radiated signal propagation coverage plot" means a computer-generated plot depicting the signal strength emanating from, and the predicted coverage of, antennas or repeaters sited on a specific structure. The antenna's height above ground, power input and output, frequency output, type and gain, and the topography of the site and its surroundings are all taken into account to create these simulations.


    Recreation, Active. "Active recreation" means leisure activities, usually performed with others, often requiring equipment and taking place at prescribed places, sites or fields.

    The term "active recreation" includes, but is not limited to, swimming, tennis and other court games, baseball and other field sports, and playground activities.


    Recreation, Passive. "Passive recreation" means low intensity recreation activities which have limited noise and light impacts and are minimally disruptive to the natural environment. For the purposes of this chapter, "passive recreation" includes, but is not limited to, hiking, canoeing, viewing, nature study, photography and fishing.


    "Repair and maintenance" means those activities associated with the routine care and upkeep of a structure, development, land use or activity.


    "Repeater" means a small receiver/relay transmitter designed to provide service to areas that are not able to receive adequate coverage directly from the transmitting source.


    "Replacement or total replacement" means the removal of more than fifty percent of the lineal footage of existing exterior ground floor walls.


    "Residential care facility" means a licensed establishment operated with twenty-four hour supervision for the purpose of serving those persons, who by reason of their special circumstances, require care while living as a single housekeeping unit. Residential care facilities for the purposes of this title, may include group homes, foster homes, and congregate care facilities, but shall not include correctional facilities, nursing homes, Type III group care facilities, or foster family homes.


    "Residential development" means any development designed and intended for residential use regardless of the type of building in which such residence is located; i.e., conventional single-family dwellings, single-family attached, townhouses, duplexes, fourplexes or apartment houses.


    "Resort" means a planned unit development used primarily for outdoor recreation that is usually sited in an area with significant natural amenities. The definition of resort does not mean a master planned resort as defined by RCW 36.70A.360(1).


    "Retail sales" means the sale of goods, merchandise and commodities for use or consumption by the immediate purchaser. "Retail sales" includes the selling of goods and services which may include convenience goods, such as food and drugs, personal services, such as tailoring, shoe repairing and barbershops, and general merchandise, such as apparel, furniture and home furnishings.


    "Retreat facility" means a lodge or series of buildings with a primary focus on relaxation, rehabilitation, religion and/or recreation that is usually sited in an area with significant natural amenities.


    "Riding stable, arena, academy" means premises where six or more horses are kept for rental purposes, or where six or more horses are used at any one time for prearranged events, such as training classes, exhibitions or shows, five or more times per year. This shall not include stable facilities used solely for boarding or breeding of horses.


    "Rifle, pistol or archery range" means a facility operated by a community, a club or a professional association for purposes of rifle, pistol or archery practice.


    "Rural character" means the patterns of land use and development established by the rural element of the Thurston County Comprehensive Plan:


    In which open space, the natural landscape, and vegetation predominate over the built environment;


    That foster traditional rural lifestyles, rural-based economies, and opportunities to both live and work in rural areas;


    That provide visual landscapes that are traditionally found in rural areas and communities;


    That are compatible with the use of the land by wildlife and for fish and wildlife habitat;


    That reduce the inappropriate conversion of undeveloped land into sprawling, low-density development;


    That generally do not require the extension of urban governmental services; and


    That are consistent with the protection of natural surface water flows and ground water and surface water recharge and discharge areas.


    "Sanitary landfill" means any land upon which solid waste material, consisting in whole or in part of garbage, refuse, trash, rubbish, sludge or any other solid waste, is dumped, and covered with earth or other suitable material.


    Sawmill, Large. "Large sawmill" means a sawmill or related wood products processing mill exceeding one headsaw and/or exceeding forty thousand board feet production per shift.


    Sawmill, Small. "Small sawmill" means a sawmill or related wood products processing mill having a single headsaw with a maximum production of less than forty thousand board feet per shift.


    Schools, Academic. "Academic schools" means any publicly financed or private or parochial school or facility used for the purpose of school instruction, from the kindergarten through twelfth grade, and college, except commercial, business or trade schools. This definition does not include a private residence in which parents teach their own natural or legally adopted children.


    "School of special education" means a school primarily devoted to giving instruction in vocational, professional, musical, dramatic, artistic, linguistic, scientific, religious, or other special subjects, but not including (a) a group day care facility or day care center; or (b) a riding school, however designated.


    "Secondary use" means a use listed among those permitted in any density district, but permitted to be lo-cated only as part of residential developments in accordance with the provisions of this title.

    A "secondary use" is integrated within a residential development with which it is very compatible.


    "Secure community transition facility" means a residential facility for persons civilly committed and conditionally released to a less restrictive alternative pursuant to Chapter 71.09 RCW. A secure community transition facility has supervision and security, and either provides or ensures the provision of sex offender treatment services. Secure community transition facilities include, but are not limited to, facilities established pursuant to Chapter 71.09 RCW and any community-based facilities established under Chapter 71.09 RCW and operated by the state or under contract with the state.


    "Shopping center" means any group of two or more commercial uses which (a) are designed as a single commercial group, whether or not located on the same lot; (b) are under common ownership or management; (c) are connected by party walls, partitions, canopies or other structural members to form one continuous structure, or if located in separate buildings, are interconnected by walkways and accessways designed to facilitate customer traffic between the uses; (d) share a common parking area; and (e) otherwise present the appearance of one continuous commercial area.


    "Sign" means any medium, including its structure and component parts, which is used or intended to be used to attract attention to the subject matter for advertising, instruction or safety purposes.


    Single-Family Attached. See "Dwelling, Single-Family Attached."


    "Single-family residential" means single-family unattached dwelling units.


    Single-Family Unattached Dwelling Unit. See "Dwelling, Single-Family."


    "Special incinerator ash" means ash residues resulting from the operation of incinerator or energy recovery facilities managing municipal solid waste, including solid waste from residential, commercial, and industrial establishments, if the ash residues:


    Would otherwise be regulated as hazardous wastes under Chapter 70.105 RCW; and


    Are not regulated as a hazardous waste under the Federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), 42. U.S.C. Section 6910 et. seq.


    "Special interest vehicle" means a motor vehicle that is at least twenty-five years old, or a motor vehicle of a make or model that is no longer manufactured or was produced in relatively small quantities, or a motor vehicle for which new parts are not available, or a motor vehicle clearly intended for racing.


    "Special use" means uses which are not permitted outright in a zone because of incompatibility with the permitted uses of the zone. However, when such a special use is considered with reference to a particular site in a zone, or if the special use may be made compatible by attaching conditions to the maintenance of such a use, uses which otherwise would be prohibited in a zone may be allowed by special use authorization.

    In order to determine whether such compatibility may be achieved, a discretionary review process is employed. Even if a proposed special use meets all the special standards for that particular use, the use must also meet the general standards of this title for special uses, and shall be denied if the special and general standards are not met.


    "Sponsoring agency" means an agency such as the county, a church, or other organization that joins in an application with a host agency for an application for a homeless encampment and assumes responsibility for providing basic services and support to temporary emergency homeless encampment residents, such as hot meals, coordination of other needed donations and services.


    Storage Facility, Commercial. "Commercial storage facility" means a facility including buildings segregated into storage cubicles used exclusively for the storage of excess property and outdoor storage of vehicles and boats. Such term shall not include the conduct of business activities other than rental of storage units on the premises.


    "Story" means that portion of a building included between the upper surface of any floor and the upper surface of the floor next above, except that the topmost story shall be that portion of a building included between the upper surface of the topmost floor and the ceiling or roof above.


    "Street" means a public or private right-of-way which affords the principal means of access to abutting property. It includes an avenue, place, way, drive, land, boulevard, arterial road and any other thoroughfare.


    Street, Public. "Public street" means a street, for the use of the general public, upon which every person has the right to pass and to use it at all times, for all purposes of travel, transportation or parking to which it is adapted and devoted.


    Street, Service Drive. "Service drive street" means a public street, paralleling and contiguous to a major thoroughfare, designed, primarily, to promote safety by providing free access to adjoining property and limited access to major thoroughfares.


    "Structure" means that which is built or constructed. The term "structure" shall be construed as though followed by the words "or parts thereof."


    "Subdivision" means the land subdivided as defined in Title 18, Platting and Subdivision Ordinance, Thurston County Code.


    Subdivision, Cluster. See "Cluster subdivision."


    Subdivision, Conventional. "Conventional subdivision" means the subdivision of a lot in accordance with the lot size requirements and bulk regulations specified for same in the district regulations. (See Appendix Figure 1.)


    "Temporary sign" means a sign which is not permanently mounted and is displayed for no more than five months in any twelve-month period. Temporary noncommercial signs may be displayed as specified in Section 20.40.040.


    "Temporary use" means a use established for a specified period of time, with the intent to discontinue the use at the end of the designated time period. Refer to Section 20.54.070(41.5).


    "Transfer of development rights receiving area" means the area designated by Thurston County jurisdictions within which development rights transferred from a transfer of development rights sending area can be used.


    "Transfer of development rights sending area" means the area designated by Thurston County from which transferable development rights can be transferred.


    "Transferable development right" means a certificate issued by Thurston County which represents a unit of density derived from a TDR sending area parcel. Such rights may be (a) severed from the TDR sending area parcel and used in a TDR receiving area in accordance with the TDR receiving area regulations of the applicable Thurston County jurisdiction; or (b) attached to a TDR sending area parcel when required.


    "Transfer" means the action of transferring credited development rights from a parcel or parcels in a TDR sending area to a parcel or parcels in a TDR receiving area by a deed of transfer. Transfer includes any intermediate transfers to or among transferees.


    "Transfer of development rights easement" means a legal covenant which protects the subject land in perpetuity from development beyond any development rights reserved subject to the underlying zone at the time the covenant is signed and grants enforcement of the covenant to the county.


    "Transportation terminal" means a facility which serves primarily as a transfer point for changing from one mode of transportation to another, or for transferring shipped materials from one vehicle to another, with associated storage area.


    "Travel trailer" means a vehicular, portable structure built on a chassis and designed to be used for temporary occupancy for travel, recreational or vacation use.


    "Travel trailer parks and commercial campgrounds" means an area or premises operated as a commercial enterprise, providing space for seasonal accommodations for transient occupancy or use by tourists occupying camping trailers, self-propelled campers, tents and/or lodges.


    "Use area" means the portion of property physically occupied or used by the land use activity.


    "Variance" means the method by which an adjustment is made in the application of the specific regulations of this title to a particular piece of property, which property, because of special circumstances applicable to it, is deprived of privileges commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same district or vicinity and which adjustment remedies disparity in privileges.


    "Veterinary clinic or hospital" means a facility rendering surgical and medical treatment to animals, and having overnight accommodations for such small animals.


    "Vision clearance area" means a triangular area of a corner lot at the intersection of two front lot lines, and through which it is necessary to retain vision clearance in the interest of public safety. (See Appendix Figure 15.)


    "Warehouse and light fabrication" means light industrial uses which do not produce smoke, noise, pollution or odor as would be identifiable and unreasonably offensive to any surrounding property.


    "Wholesale sales" means the sale of goods, merchandise and commodities in gross, primarily for purposes of resale.


    "Winery (small scale)" means a small scale winery limited to twenty-thousand square feet in size, which utilizes fruit and berries grown in the Pacific Northwest in the production of wine.


    "Wireless communication facility (WCF)" shall be defined in the same manner as in Title 47, United States Code, Section 332(c)(7)(C), as amended now or in the future, and includes facilities for the transmission and reception of radio wave or microwave signals used for communication, cellular phone, personal communications services, enhanced specialized mobile radio, and any other wireless services licensed by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and unlicensed wireless services. This does not include AM/FM radio and television broadcast facilities or towers, or automated meter-reading facilities.


    Wireless Communication Facility (WCF), Attached. "Attached wireless communication facility (WCF)" means WCF equipment affixed to or erected upon existing buildings, water tanks, utility poles or other existing structures, excluding co-location.


    Wireless Communication Facility (WCF), Freestanding. "Freestanding wireless communication facility (WCF)" means a freestanding antenna support structure erected to support wireless communication facilities, associated equipment cabinets, and connecting appurtenances. This includes guyed towers, self-supporting lattice towers, monopoles, camouflage structures, replacement utility poles, and other self-supporting poles and towers accommodating wireless communication antennas.


    Wireless Communication Facility (WCF)/Antenna Support Structure, Remote Freestanding. "Remote freestanding wireless communication facility (WCF)" means a freestanding antenna support structure erected to support wireless or other communication facilities within the long term forestry district or military reservation which are located over one thousand four hundred feet from the district boundary or from a property with an existing residence.


    "Work release" means facilities providing work/training release programs as an alternative to imprisonment which are under the supervision of a court or a federal, state or local agency, including electronic house arrest program management.


    "Working lands" means lands used for farm and forestry management, that raise food, grow trees, support jobs and the local economy. Also see "Agricultural land."


    "Yard" means any open space on the same lot with a building or building group lying between the building or building group and the nearest lot line.


    Yard, Front. "Front yard" means a yard extending across the full width of a lot and lying between the front lot line and the principal building. When the lot has more than one street frontage, the frontage that is not oriented to the structure's primary access (i.e., front door) shall be the flanking street front yard or, in the case of a through lot, the rear yard. (See Appendix Figures 11 and 12.)


    Yard, Rear. "Rear yard" means a yard extending across the full width of the lot and lying between the rear lot line of the lot and the principal building. On a corner lot, the rear yard shall be that yard on the opposite side of the building from one of the intersecting streets, except for lots along curving streets where there is no rear yard. (See Appendix Figures 6 and 11.) On a through lot, the rear yard is the yard opposite the structure's primary access (i.e., front door).


    Yard, Required. "Required yard" means the minimum open space as specified in this title for front, side and rear yards, as distinguished from any area in excess of the minimum required.


    Yard, Side. "Side yard" means a yard between the side lot line of the lot and the principal building, and extending from the required front yard to the required rear yard, or, in the absence of either of such yards, to the front or rear lot lines, as the case may be.


    Zone. See "Density district."


    "Zoning map" means a map which identifies the parcel specific boundaries of the various districts provided in this title.

    (Ord. 13884 § 3, 2007; Ord. 13834 § 3, 2007; Ord. 13235 § 9, 2004; Ord. 13058 § 1, 2003; Ord. 12807 § 1, 2002; Ord. 12814 § 1, 2002; Ord. 12761 § 7, 2002; Ord. 12463 §§ 8, 9, 2001; Ord. 12290 § 4, 2000; Ord. 12032 § 19, 1999; Ord. 11867 § 1 (part), 1998; Ord. 11804 § 40, 1998; Ord. 11398 § 3 (part), 1997: Ord. 11049 § 8, 1995; Ord. 10893 § 1, 1995; Ord. 10595 § 2, 1994; Ord. 10398 § 1, 1993; Ord. 10368 § 1, 1993; Ord. 10111 § 1, 1992: Ord. 10089 § 1, 1992: Ord. 9619 § 1, 1990; Ord. 9361 § 1, 1989; Ord. 8970 § 1, 1988: Ord. 8216 §§ 1—9, 1985; Ord. 8034 §§ 4, 5, 1985; Ord. 7728 § 2, 1984; Ord. 6708 § 3 (part), 1980)

(Ord. No. 14182, § 3, 12-29-2008; Ord. No. 14402, § 2, 9-7-2010; Ord. No. 14449, § 3, 12-21-2010; Ord. No. 14678, § 1, 11-15-2011; Ord. No. 14725, § 1(Att. A), 3-13-2012; Ord. No. 14773, § 10(Att. I), 7-24-2012; Ord. No. 14985, § 1(Att. A), 1-28-2014; Ord. No. 15355, 1(Att. A, § M), 10-18-2016; Ord. No. 15637 , § 1(Att. A, § I), 6-26-2018)