§ 20.03.030. Interpretations.  

Latest version.
  • For the purpose of this title, certain words and terms are to be interpreted as follows:


    Words used in the present tense can include the future; words used in the masculine gender can include the feminine and neuter; words in the singular number can include the plural; and words in the plural can include the singular, unless the obvious construction of the wording indicates otherwise.


    The inclusion of "shall" in a regulation indicates the requirement is mandatory.


    Unless otherwise specified, all distances shall be measured horizontally and at right angles to the line from which the distance is specified.


    Unless otherwise specified, the term "day" shall mean calendar day.


    The word "building" includes the word "structure" and the word "structure" includes the word "building"; the word "lot" includes the word "plot"; the word "used" shall be deemed also to include designed, intended, or arranged to be used; the term "erected" shall be deemed also to include constructed, reconstructed, altered, placed, or relocated.


    The terms "land use" and "use of land" shall be deemed also to include building use and use of building.


    The word "adjacent" means nearby and not necessarily contiguous; the word "contiguous" means sharing a common boundary of sufficient width to maintain vehicular access.


    The word "state" means the state of Washington. The word "county" means the county of Thurston, state of Washington, and the term "county boundary" means any exterior boundary of the county or any boundary of unincorporated territory within the county.


    The terms "board of Thurston County commissioners," "planning commission," "hearing examiner," "resource stewardship director," "health officer," "building officer," "building inspector" and other similar offices shall mean the respective boards, commissions, and officers of Thurston County and/or their authorized agents. The use of the term "board" shall always mean the board of Thurston County commissioners, the use of the abbreviation "examiner" shall always mean the hearing examiner, the use of the term "director" shall always mean the director of the resource stewardship department; and the use of the term "commission" shall always mean the planning commission. The use of the term "department" by itself shall always mean the resource stewardship department, unless otherwise indicated in the specific section.


    The term "R district" means any residential district; the term "C district" means any commercial district; the term "I district" means any industrial district; the term "PRD" means any planned residential development; and the term "PRRD" means any planned rural residential development.


    The term "the title" means "the Zoning Ordinance of Thurston County."

    (Ord. 11398 § 3 (part), 1997: Ord. 10595 § 1, 1994: Ord. 6708 § 3 (part), 1980)

(Ord. No. 14773, § 10(Att. I), 7-24-2012)