§ 1.08.297. Fristoe.  

Latest version.
  • The Fristoe election precinct includes the following area: Beginning at the intersection of the Nisqually River, said river being the Thurston-Pierce County boundary, and the east boundary line of Section 7, Township 17 North, Range 2 East; thence south following said east line and the east line of Section 18 in said township and range to the Bonneville Power Association powerlines; thence southeasterly along said powerlines to the intersection with Burlington Northern Railroad; thence southwesterly along said railroad to the corporate limits of Yelm; thence westerly, southerly, and northerly along said limits to the intersection of Cullens Road S.E. and the north corporate limits of Yelm, said point being on the west line of Section 18 in said Township and Range; thence north along said west line to said Bonneville Power Association powerlines; thence southeasterly along said power-lines to the west line of Susan's First Addition extended southerly; thence northerly along the west line of said addition to the center of Ordway Drive SE; thence easterly along said drive to the centerline of McNiece Drive SE extended southerly; thence northerly along said McNiece Drive to the north line of said Section 18; thence west along the north line of said Section 18 to the northwest corner of said Section 18; thence north along the west line of said Section 7 in said Township and Range to the Nisqually River; thence easterly along said river to the point of beginning.

(Res. 10950 § 15, 1995: Res. 10083 § 33, 1992: Res. 7535 § 40, 1983: Res. 7196 § 18, 1982: Res. 4352 § 31, 1972: Res. 4090 (part), 1970)