§ 1.08.227. Beach Crest.  

Latest version.
  • The Beach Crest election precinct includes the following area: Beginning at the intersection of the shoreline of Puget Sound and Illanhee Lane NE extended north in Section 25, Township 19 North, Range 1 West; thence southerly along said extension and said lane to the centerline of 51st Avenue NE; thence westerly along said avenue to the centerline of Hilton Road NE; thence southerly along said road to 48th Way NE; thence westerly along said way to an intersection with the corporate limits of Lacey; thence northerly along said limits to the shoreline of Puget Sound; thence southeasterly along said shoreline to the point of beginning.

(Res. 11203 § 1, 1996: Res. 10356 § 12, 1993: Res. 10083 § 23, 1992: Res. 7535 § 10, 1983)