§ 18.10.050. Contents of application.  

Latest version.
  • For an application to be deemed complete for purposes of beginning the formal project review and starting the review clock, the following basic submittal information shall be provided. During project review, additional information or studies may be requested in writing by the county if needed to address particular aspects of the project or site. While the project review clock will formally stop during the time that the additional information is being assembled, county review of other aspects of the project will continue.

    If the application is deemed incomplete or if additional information is required, the applicant shall have one hundred eighty calendar days to submit the required information to the department. The department shall notify the applicant as to when the one-hundred-eighty-day period will end. If the applicant does not submit the required information within the one-hundred-eighty-day period, the application shall lapse. Prior to the expiration date, the applicant may request in writing an extension of time. The department director may grant an extension if the required studies or information warrants additional time.


    Type I, II, and III Applications. The project site must be identified in the field by posting an identification sign visible from the access road and by flagging the property corners and the center of the driveway/road access location. The purpose of this sign is for project identification rather than public notification. The sign and flags shall be provided by the county.


    Type I and IV Applications. Each application for a Type I or Type IV action shall contain all of the information requested on the application form provided by Thurston County, including a single applicant contact to receive all determinations and notices, and submittal of applicable fees.


    Type II and III Applications. Each application for a Type II or Type III action shall contain the following in a clear, accurate and intelligible form:


    An application form provided by Thurston County containing all of the information requested on the form, including a single applicant contact to receive all determinations and notices;


    A narrative summary of all development proposed on-site, including types of residential uses;


    Full size copies (quantity and size as stated on the application form) and one eleven inches by seventeen inches reduced copy of a preliminary map/site plan drawing or drawings (folded, not rolled) at a scale of not less than two hundred feet to the inch (using a standard interval of engineer scale), which shall include or show:


    The layout of proposed lots and blocks and the approximate dimensions of each, and the number assigned to each lot,


    The type, location and height of all existing structures, including, but not limited to, buildings, fences, culverts, bridges, and storage tanks,


    The boundaries, including dimensions, of the property proposed to be developed,


    All proposed and existing building setback lines sufficiently accurate to ensure compliance with setback requirements,


    The boundaries of all areas, if any, to be preserved as buffers or to be dedicated to a public, private or community use or for open space under the provisions of this title.


    The location, width, name and approximate grade and radii or curves of streets. The relationship of streets to any projected streets as shown on any comprehensive plan or street plan that has been adopted in order to assure adequate traffic circulation,


    Approximate centerline grades, elevations, cuts and fills, including individual lot driveways that will require excessive cuts and fills, with extensions of these items for a reasonable distance beyond the limits of the proposed subdivision showing the finished grade of streets and the nature and extent of street construction,


    The location of all existing and proposed public and on-site utility structures and lines, including existing and proposed on-site sewage systems, sewer lines, water lines, wells and springs (including those within two hundred feet of the project site, depending on the applicant's ability to gain access to adjacent properties and based on existing Washington State Department of Ecology and Thurston County well log records).* If off-site utilities are proposed, a letter must be provided from the utility purveyor indicating under what conditions they are willing to serve the proposal. See also subsection C8 below,

    * If the applicant is denied information by adjacent property owners relative to water supply sources, the applicant shall document their efforts to gather this information and submit that documentation along with the project application. If the applicant questions the accuracy of information gathered from adjacent property owners relative to the location of water supply sources, the applicant shall raise those questions in their project application for further follow-up investigation by the county.


    The location of any area protected by covenant on the project site for water supply sources,


    Existing location, flow direction and name of drainage/surface water on-site and the extent of the one-hundred-year floodplain based upon the Thurston County Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs). Watercourses and drainage ways shall be located within an easement which grants to Thurston County the right to enter such properties for the purpose of flood control or maintenance,


    Type and location of proposed stormwater drainage facilities,


    All means, existing and proposed, of vehicular and pedestrian ingress and egress to and from the site, including disabled parking and access provision, and the size and location of sidewalks (within urban areas), driveways, streets, internal circulation roads, and fire access roads, including existing and proposed road names, width and location, and existing easements and county and state rights-of-way. The location, width and names of all existing and proposed easements and rights-of-way adjacent to the project site shall also be provided.


    General type and location of all existing vegetation proposed to remain on-site and proposed to be removed from the site,


    Location of any existing critical areas or buffers affecting the site, both on-site and on adjacent properties, including, but not limited to, shorelines, wetlands, streams, steep slopes and special habitats. Off-site information obtained from available county mapping is sufficient.


    If the subdivision constitutes a replat, the lots, blocks and streets, of the original subdivision shall be shown with dotted lines in their proper positions in relation to the new arrangement of the subdivision; the new subdivision being clearly shown in solid lines so as to avoid ambiguity.


    A north arrow, map scale, datum, date, site address and directions to the site.


    Topographic information showing two-foot contours for the entire subject parcels or parcels and a minimum of fifty feet into adjacent parcels, based on available county information. The topographic information may be generalized to the smallest, even-numbered, contour interval that is legible in areas of steep slopes where two-foot contour lines would otherwise be illegible to read.


    For preliminary plats only, proposed name of the subdivision. This name shall not duplicate nor resemble the name of another subdivision in Thurston County and shall be approved by the department;


    Vicinity sketch, at a scale of not less than three inches to the mile, indicating the boundary lines and names of adjacent developments, streets and boundary lines of adjacent parcels, and the relationship of the proposed development to major roads and highways, schools, parks, shopping centers and similar facilities. This sketch may be placed on the preliminary map/site plan or on a separate sheet;


    Written estimate of trips to and from the site daily for the proposed use. Specifically list trucks and other traffic;


    Description of proposed grading, including a written estimate of both cut and fill quantities in cubic yards and a map showing the location of cut and fill areas;


    The proposed number of dwelling units in the development, including the density calculation method used in deriving the total number of units for the project;


    For preliminary, plat applications where new or altered on-site sewage systems are proposed, a soils report, as prescribed in Article IV of the Thurston County Sanitary Code ("Sanitary Code"), shall be submitted and soil test pits shall be dug in the proposed location of the on-site sewage system, as prescribed in Article IV, Section 11.3.2, Sanitary Code. For short plat and large lot applications where new or altered on-site sewage systems are proposed, soil test pits shall be dug in the proposed location of the on-site sewage system, as prescribed in Article IV, Section 11.3.2, Sanitary Code, and during the review of the project, county staff will initially perform the soils review. The location of soil test pits shall be shown on the site plan. In some instances, the applicant may be required to retain the services of an on-site sewage system designer, as defined in Article IV, Sanitary Code, to conduct further analysis of soil and site conditions;


    Applicable fees;


    Applicable environmental documents, e.g., SEPA Checklist, critical areas permit application or review form under the Thurston County Critical Areas Ordinance (Title 24) or the Thurston County Agricultural Activities Critical Areas Ordinance (Chapter 17.15), or written agreement to complete an environmental impact statement;


    For multi-family developments (more than two dwelling units on a single parcel), the following additional information is required:


    Program for development, including estimated phasing or timing of development, and estimated build-out data for each year during the construction period,


    Provisions to assure permanence and maintenance of common open space through homeowner's association formation, condominium development or other means acceptable,


    Dwelling unit breakdown by type and size.

    (Ord. 11398 § 10 (part), 1997)

(Ord. No. 14773, § 10(Att. I), 7-24-2012; Ord. No. 14961, § 3(Att. C), 12-17-2013)