§ 17.15.520. Aquifer recharge areas—Performance standards for allowed uses and activities.  

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  • The following performance standards apply to those uses and activities in Table 2 related to an agricultural activity when carried out within an aquifer recharge area. Where no performance standards have been developed for the uses and activities in Table 2, the review authority shall review projects based upon the purposes and provisions of this chapter.


    To protect the public health and safety, prevent aquifer contamination, and preserve the groundwater resource for continual beneficial use, uses shall be most limited in those areas which have the highest degree of risk.


    Agricultural impacts shall be mitigated through implementation of the Northern Thurston County Groundwater Management Plan (1991) as amended, where applicable and Article VI of the Thurston County Sanitary Code, the Rules and Regulations Governing Nonpoint Source Pollution. In areas not covered by this plan, the review authority and the health officer shall employ technically sound methods that result in protection from aquifer contamination.


    Hazardous Materials.


    Review for presence and containment of hazardous materials shall be performed and conditions set during the Groups A and B permit processes by the health officer and others having expertise and jurisdiction.


    Persons that possess hazardous materials as defined in TCC 17.15.200 shall provide a secondary containment method that will effectively contain all liquid and soluble hazardous materials and that will effectively prevent discharge on-site.


    Hazardous materials as defined in this chapter, and as defined in the International Fire Code (2009), as amended, shall be handled in accordance with the standards contained in this chapter, the International Fire Code, and applicable state law. At quantities below the permit limits set by the International Fire Code, these materials shall be used, possessed, stored and disposed of in accordance with the International Fire Code, Articles V and VI of the Thurston County Sanitary Code and applicable state law. Administrative procedures for coordinated review shall be devised and implemented by the review authority, the health officer, the Thurston County fire marshal, and state agencies that have applicable jurisdiction.


    Gas powered backup generators are not permitted in recharge areas designated as extreme (Type 1) or high (Type 2) sensitivity unless such site contains a full time residence or is occupied a minimum of eight hours per day, five days a week by employees associated with the facility.




    Stormwater impacts shall be mitigated through the application of the standards contained within the Drainage Design and Erosion Control Manual for Thurston County (1994), as amended, the Northern Thurston County Groundwater Management Plan (1991), as amended, and Article VI of the Sanitary Code as amended. In addition to this manual, spill prevention and contamination prevention shall be considered during project review, to avoid accidental release of pollutants.


    The maximum residential density, or the maximum development intensity of nonresidential projects, may only be achieved if the stormwater facilities meet the standards contained within the Drainage Design and Erosion Control Manual for Thurston County (1994), as amended.


    Water Resources.


    In addition to other reviews, the review authority and the health officer shall consider the impact on water quantity of proposed projects, for which a hydrogeological report has been required. This evaluation shall apply to impacts on both groundwater and surface water, including in-stream flows, which may influence or be influenced by groundwater. This section shall not affect any right to use or appropriate water under state or federal law.


    Foundations. Pier foundations that would extend more than twenty feet below the ground's surface that are proposed to be located within two-hundred feet of a well in an aquifer recharge area designated as extreme (Type 1) or high (Type 2) sensitivity shall be subject to review and approval by the health officer. (See Section 17.15.535, Aquifer recharge areas—Special reports requirements, for submission requirements). In the event that the health officer determines that the proposed foundation will pose a risk to the affected well's water quality, s/he may require that the proposed foundation be relocated, replaced with a shallow mat foundation, if feasible, or require other mitigation measures.


    Mining, Gravel. Gravel mining is regulated by the Thurston County Critical Areas Ordinance (Title 24).

    (Ord. 12908 § 9, 2003; Ord. 12032 § 13, 1999; Ord. 11200 § 17, 1996: Ord. 10528 § 1 (part), 1994)

(Ord. No. 14773, § 4(Att. C), 7-24-2012; Ord. No. 14961, § 1(Att. A), 12-17-2013)