§ 17.09.190. Fees.  

Latest version.
  • The county shall require the following fees for its activities in accordance with the provisions of this section:


    Environmental Checklist. For every environmental checklist the county will review when it is lead agency, the county shall collect the fee as shown on the county fee schedules as adopted and hereafter amended from the proponent of the proposal prior to undertaking the threshold determination.


    Environmental Impact Statement.


    When the county is the lead agency for a proposal requiring an EIS and the responsible official determines that the EIS shall be prepared by employees of the county, the county may charge and collect a reasonable fee from any applicant to cover costs incurred by the county in preparing the EIS. The responsible official shall advise the applicant(s) of the projected costs for the EIS prior to actual preparation; the applicant shall post bond or otherwise ensure payment of such costs.


    When the county is lead agency for a proposal and the applicant is preparing an EIS, the county shall collect a fee to cover the cost of reviewing the EIS. The fees are set forth in the fee schedule as adopted and hereafter amended by the county, and shall reflect the actual costs, including all staff time spent in the review.


    The responsible official may determine that the county will contract directly with a consultant for preparation of an EIS, or a portion of the EIS, for activities initiated by some persons or entity other than the county and may bill such costs and expenses directly to the applicant. Such consultants shall be selected by mutual agreement of the county and applicant after a call for proposals. The county may require the applicant to post bond or otherwise ensure payment of such costs.


    If a proposal is modified so that an EIS is no longer required, the responsible official shall refund any fees collected under subsection B1 or B2 of this section which remain after incurred costs are paid.


    Environmental Assessment. When the county requires an environmental assessment, a reasonable fee may be charged and collected from the applicant to cover the costs incurred by the county in reviewing the assessment. The fee shall be set forth in the fee schedule as adopted and hereafter amended by the county, and shall reflect the actual costs, including all staff time spent in the review.


    The county shall not collect a fee for performing its duties as a consulted agency.


    The county may charge any person for copies of any document prepared under this section, and for mailing the document, in a manner provided by Chapter 42.17 RCW.

(Ord. 11804 § 22, 1998: Res. 9717 § 2, 1991: Ord. 7889 § 1 (part), 1984)