§ 17.09.080. Environmental checklist.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Except as provided in subsection C of this section below, a completed environmental checklist (or a copy), in the form provided in WAC 197-11-960, shall be filed at the same time as an application for a permit, license, certificate, or other approval not specifically exempted in this chapter; except, a checklist is not needed if the county and applicant agree an environmental impact statement (EIS) is required, SEPA compliance has been completed, or SEPA compliance has been initiated by another agency. The county shall use the environmental checklist to determine the lead agency.


    For private proposals, the county will require the applicant to complete the environmental checklist, providing assistance as necessary. For county proposals, the department initiating the proposal shall complete the environmental checklist for that proposal.


    For projects submitted as planned actions under WAC 197-11-164, the county shall use its existing environmental checklist form or may modify the environmental checklist form as provided in WAC 197-11-315. The modified environmental checklist form may be prepared and adopted along with or as part of a planned action ordinance, or developed after the ordinance is adopted. In either case, a proposed modified environmental checklist form must be sent to the Department of Ecology to allow at least a thirty-day review prior to use.

(Ord. 11804 § 10, 1998: Ord. 7889 § 1 (part), 1984)