§ 16.04.110. Speed limits and skiing times on certain lakes.  

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  • A.

    Commencing with the opening day of general lowland fishing season each year in Thurston County and continuing for a total of thirty days, the speed limit for vessels or motorboats shall not be in excess of five miles per hour at any time, except as otherwise provided in this section.


    It shall be lawful to operate any vessel or watercraft at a speed in excess of five miles per hour on the following lakes at any time of the year that permits year-round fishing:


    Black Lake;


    Scott Lake, a private lake;


    Lake St. Clair. Except that the speed limit on the entire lake is reduced to five MPH, and a no-wake zone is created within two hundred feet of the shore whenever water levels are more than sixty-nine and nine tenths feet above sea level. These speed and no-wake restrictions are in abeyance for that portion lying south of the public access area and southwest to 62 Avenue SE whenever the water level falls to sixty-nine and nine tenths feet or below but shall automatically become effective again for the entire lake at any time that the water level rises above sixty-nine and nine tenths feet.


    Lake Lawrence.


    It shall be lawful to operate any vessel or motorboat or similar contrivance at a speed in excess of five miles per hour on the following lakes in Thurston County after the lapse of the initial thirty-day period of lowland fishing season as provided in subsection A of this section, and on Memorial Day and the two days immediately preceding Memorial Day, whether or not these days fall within such thirty-day period.


    Summit Lake;


    Long Lake; except:


    That portion of the lake described as beginning at the north boundary of the Carpenter Road Public Access, along the west shore to the Holmes Island Bridge, then easterly along the southwest shore of Holmes Island to the eastern most point thereof, thence southwesterly across Long Lake to the point of beginning; and


    That portion of the lake lying northerly of a line between the north boundary of the community boat ramp at Reflection Point on the west shore of the lake and the north boundary of the boat ramp at the Aquaterra Apartments on the east shore of the lake, and


    That portion of the lake described as the narrow channel which connects the northern most and southern most sections of the lake.


    Watercraft operating in excess of five miles per hour with or without skier in tow shall remain at least two hundred feet from any and all shorelines and one hundred feet from other watercraft and persons. Said watercraft, when operating in excess of five miles per hour shall proceed around the lake in a counter-clockwise direction.


    Placement of buoys will be along a line two hundred feet from any shore, dock, or public swimming area to restrict any watercraft traveling in excess of five miles per hour to an area outside the buoys. Provided, however, that the provision shall not apply to motorboat operators pulling water skiers for takeoff or landing by means of the most expeditious route when such takeoff or landing would not constitute an undue risk to persons or property. For purposes of starting at and returning to shore, water skiers may temporarily exceed the speed limit of five miles per hour.


    Placement and maintenance of buoys under this section shall be optional and the responsibility of the skiers and the property owners. Distance between buoys placed under this section shall not exceed three hundred feet.


    No watercraft shall operate in excess of five miles per hour from official sunset or eight p.m., whichever is earlier, until eleven a.m.


    All motor operated watercraft operating in Thurston County waters after sundown shall be equipped and have lit proper running lights as provided in "The United States Code, Title 46, Section 1954." Lights must be placed high enough that their light will not be obstructed by persons or parts of the boat.


    It is unlawful to operate a vessel in excess of five miles per hour within two hundred feet of a public boat launch and/or public swimming area or to pull water skiers for take off or landing within two hundred feet of a public boat launch and/or public swimming area.

    (Ord. 12539 § 1, 2001; Ord. 12238 § 2, 2000: Ord. 11951 § 2, 1999: Ord. 10326 § 1, 1993: Ord. 8617 § 1, 1987: Ord. 8070 § 10, 1985: Ord. 7305 § 1, 1982: Ord. 6723 § 2, 1980: Ord. 6271 § 5, 1979: Ord. 4954 § 1, 1975: Ord. 4548 § 1, 1973; Ord. 3303 § 11, 1965; Ord. No. 14975, § 1(Att. A), 12-17-2013)

(Ord. No. 15733 , § 1(Att. A), 2-19-2019)