§ 14.32.010. Adoption and administration.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    That portion of the State Building Code known as International Fire Code, as defined in RCW 19.27.031, and as amended and updated by the State Building Code Council pursuant to RCW 19.27.074, Chapter 51-54 WAC, and as amended throughout this title except to the extent prohibited by Chapter 19.27, is adopted as the Fire Code for Thurston County. The Fire Code also includes appendix B, C, E, F, and G of the International Fire Code.


    The Fire Code shall be administered by the Community Planning and Economic Development Department. Any reference to the Fire Code or the International Fire Code shall be considered a reference to the International Fire Code provisions as amended by the State Building Code Council and then as amended by Thurston County if amendments were adopted.


    Thurston County amendments to the International Fire Code (IFC) will list the specific sections being amended. Any section not listed is not being amended by the county and will remain as set forth in the IFC. For example, if the county provided that it was amending IFC section [A] 104.11, it would only be amending the paragraph denoted as [A] 104.11. The county would not be amending section [A] 104.11.1, [A] 104.11.2, or [A] 104.11.3; those sections would not be considered repealed or amended and would remain as provided in the IFC.


    The use of the term "department" by itself shall always mean the Community Planning and Economic Development department, unless otherwise indicated in the specific section.


    The use of the term "director" by itself shall always mean the Director of Community Planning and Economic Development or an appointed designee.

(Ord. No. 14388, § 1(Attach. 1), 8-3-2010; Ord. No. 14906, § 1(Att. A), 6-25-2013; Ord. No. 15648 , § 1(Att. A, § I), 8-7-2018)