§ 10.04.340. Mud Bay area.  

Latest version.
  • It is unlawful for any person to discharge a firearm at any time in Thurston County, state of Washington, in the following described area of the county:

     Beginning at the southeast corner of Section 18, T 18 N., R 2 W, W.M., thence north to a point in Eld Inlet 300 feet distant from the meanderline, thence southwesterly 300 feet distant and parallel to the meanderline to a point due east of Ellison Oyster Company at 2610 Madrona Beach Rd. N.W., thence west to the NW corner of Section 12, T 18 N, R 3 W, W.M., thence south to the corner common to Sections 13 and 14, 23 and 24, T 18 N, R 3 W, W.M., thence east on the section line to the point of beginning.

    Provided, this section does not restrict the rights of a person, acting in self-defense to take reasonable actions which, but for this section, would be allowed by law. Provided further, that this section shall not prohibit the safe discharge of firearms while target shooting by property owners or residents or persons acting with the express permission of property owners or residents and in the company of the property owners or residents on their property. Provided further, that this section does not prohibit the use of rifles or shotguns for the slaughter of domestic animals by the owner of animals or the owners' agent when done on the property of the owner.

(Ord. 8886, 1988: Ord. 8623, 1987)