§ 10.04.230. Area lying southerly of Capitol City Golf Club.  

Latest version.
  • It shall be unlawful for any person to discharge a firearm at any time in the following described area of Thurston County:

    Commencing at the intersection of the centerlines of Rainier Road and 67th Avenue S.E.; thence S 89° 55′ 05″ W along the centerline of 67th Avenue S.E. to the Chehalis Western Railroad; thence S 28° 32″ E, 2400 feet more or less along the easterly right-of-way line of the Chehalis Western Railroad; thence along an arc of a four degree curve to the left (along said right-of-way) until it intersects the Burlington Northern Railroad right-of-way; thence approximately N 56° 05′ E, 7,271 feet more or less along the northwesterly right-of-way line of the Burlington Northern Railroad to the Yelm Highway overpass; thence approximately N 71° 05″ W, 2,724 feet more or less along the south right-of-way line of Yelm Highway to the west line of James Pattison D.L.C. No. 39; thence S 0° 04′ 07″ E, along the west line of the James Pattison D.L.C. No. 39, 2,130 feet more or less, to a point, which is N 0° 04′ 07″ W, 52.6 feet from the southeast corner of Tract No. 29 of Chambers Homestead Tracts (as recorded in Volume 9, Page 8 of Plats); thence N 87° 50′ W, 802.4 feet; thence N 2° 28″ E, 465.1 feet more or less to the south line of former county road; thence westerly along said south line of road 534.55 feet more or less to the centerline of a platted road running along the west boundary of Tract 28, Chambers Homestead Tracts; thence N 89° 55′ 26″ W, 2,634.72 feet more or less along the south boundary of county road to the centerline of Rainier Road; thence S 19° 55′ 57″ E, 702.87 feet more or less to the point of beginning, said are being in part of Sections 3, 4, 5, 8 and 9, Township 17 North, Range 1 West, W.M., Thurston County, Washington.

(Ord. 6503 § 1, 1979)