§ 10.04.107. Area bounded by Carpenter Road, Northern Pacific Railroad, McAllister Road, Great Northern-Union Pacific Railroad and Mullen Road—Exceptions.  

Latest version.
  • It is unlawful for any person to discharge a firearm at any time in the following described area of Thurston County: Beginning at the intersection of the east line of Carpenter Road extended north and the south line of the Northern Pacific Railroad; thence easterly along the south line of said railroad to its intersection with the west line of the McAllister Road; thence southerly along said McAllister Road to its intersection with the north line of Great Northern-Union Pacific Railroad; thence southwesterly along said north line of railroad to its intersection with the north line of Mullen Road; thence westerly along said Mullen Road to its intersection with the east line of Carpenter Road; thence northerly along the east line of Carpenter Road and Carpenter Road extended to the point of beginning. Excepting that portion lying within the city limits of Lacey described as follows: The south 371.8 feet of the north 739.38 feet of that part of Lot 2 of Section 27, Township 18 North, Range 1 West W.M., lying east of the west line of county road known as Carpenter Road. Excepting therefrom the portion lying in the north 677.64 feet of the west 649.28 feet of said Lot 2. Together with all shorelands lying in front of, adjacent to and abutting on the south 371.8 feet of the north 739.38 feet of said Lot 2. Also part of Government Lot 2, Section 27 North, Range 18 West described as follows: Commence intersection of south line Government Lot 2 and centerline of Section 27, Township 18 North, Range 1 West, W.M.; thence north along said centerline 169 feet, thence east parallel to south line Lot 2, 944.3 feet; thence south 15 feet to a point 154 feet north of south line of Lot 2; thence east parallel to said south line to government meander line of Long Lake; thence southeasterly along said meander line to the south line of said Lot 2; thence west along said south line to the point of beginning, together with shore lands adjacent to and abutting upon. Including any portion of county road, known as Carpenter Road, adjoining the Andrews tract on the west for the required contiguity with existing limits of Lacey.

(Ord. 4021 § 2, 1970)